Shared function


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Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use setElementRotation instead.

This function allows you to set the current rotation of the specified player.


bool setPlayerRotation ( player thePlayer, float rotation )         

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player to set the rotation of
  • rotation: A float specifying the desired rotation in degrees.


Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This example allows a player to type the command 'disco', which will result in the player being rotated to a random direction every 1 second, infinite times.

function discoTime ( player )
     -- Randomly choose a new player rotation and set it
     newRotation = math.random ( 0, 360 )
     setPlayerRotation ( player, newRotation )

function initiateDiscoMode ( player, commandName )
     --Trigger a random change in player rotation every second
     --Send the stored 'activating player' to the discoTime
     --function, so his rotation will be changed.
     setTimer (discoTime, 1000, 0, player )
addCommandHandler ( "disco", initiateDiscoMode )

See Also