Client-side function
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This function controls the input mode to define whether or not (and when) keybinds or MTA binds are overridden (disabled) so that text can be input into an editbox, for example. Available input modes are:
- allow_binds: never disabled (hence using a key such as t in an editbox will still open the chatbox)
- no_binds: always disabled (hence using a key such as t will never open the chatbox)
- no_binds_when_editing: only disabled when editing an editbox or a memo (binds are enabled except when an editbox or memo has input focus)
bool guiSetInputMode ( string mode )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: GuiElement.setInputMode(...)
- Variable: .inputMode
- Counterpart: guiGetInputMode
Required Arguments
- mode: a string representing the desired input mode. Accepted values are:
- "allow_binds": binds are enabled, hence using a key such as t in an editbox will still open the chatbox (default)
- "no_binds": binds are disabled, hence using a key such as t will never open the chatbox
- "no_binds_when_editing": binds are enabled except when an editbox or memo has input focus
Returns true if input mode could be changed, false if invalid parameters are passed.
function onClientResourceStartSetGUIInputMode() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") -- Calls guiSetInputMode once and for all to not have to handle binds state dynamically end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onClientResourceStartSetGUIInputMode)
This function, introduced in 1.1, can be used as a replacement of guiSetInputEnabled since it provides the same functionality with one added feature.
- guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) is the same as guiSetInputMode ( "allow_binds" )
- guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) is the same as guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds" )
See Also
General functions
- guiBringToFront
- getChatboxLayout
- getChatboxCharacterLimit
- guiCreateFont
- guiBlur
- guiFocus
- guiGetAlpha
- guiGetCursorType
- guiGetEnabled
- guiGetFont
- guiGetInputEnabled
- guiGetInputMode
- guiGetPosition
- guiGetProperties
- guiGetProperty
- guiGetScreenSize
- guiGetSize
- guiGetText
- guiGetVisible
- guiMoveToBack
- guiSetAlpha
- guiSetEnabled
- guiSetFont
- guiSetInputEnabled
- guiSetInputMode
- guiSetPosition
- guiSetProperty
- guiSetSize
- guiSetText
- guiSetVisible
- isChatBoxInputActive
- isConsoleActive
- isDebugViewActive
- isMainMenuActive
- isMTAWindowActive
- isTransferBoxActive
- setChatboxCharacterLimit
- setDebugViewActive
- guiCreateComboBox
- guiComboBoxAddItem
- guiComboBoxClear
- guiComboBoxGetItemCount
- guiComboBoxGetItemText
- guiComboBoxGetSelected
- guiComboBoxIsOpen
- guiComboBoxRemoveItem
- guiComboBoxSetItemText
- guiComboBoxSetOpen
- guiComboBoxSetSelected
Edit Boxes
- guiCreateEdit
- guiEditGetCaretIndex
- guiEditGetMaxLength
- guiEditIsMasked
- guiEditIsReadOnly
- guiEditSetCaretIndex
- guiEditSetMasked
- guiEditSetMaxLength
- guiEditSetReadOnly
- guiCreateGridList
- guiGridListAddColumn
- guiGridListAddRow
- guiGridListAutoSizeColumn
- guiGridListClear
- guiGridListGetColumnCount
- guiGridListGetColumnTitle
- guiGridListGetColumnWidth
- guiGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListGetItemColor
- guiGridListGetItemData
- guiGridListGetItemText
- guiGridListGetRowCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedItem
- guiGridListGetSelectedItems
- guiGridListGetSelectionMode
- guiGridListIsSortingEnabled
- guiGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiGridListInsertRowAfter
- guiGridListRemoveColumn
- guiGridListRemoveRow
- guiGridListSetColumnTitle
- guiGridListSetColumnWidth
- guiGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListSetItemColor
- guiGridListSetItemData
- guiGridListSetItemText
- guiGridListSetScrollBars
- guiGridListSetSelectedItem
- guiGridListSetSelectionMode
- guiGridListSetSortingEnabled
- guiGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiCreateMemo
- guiMemoGetCaretIndex
- guiMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiMemoIsReadOnly
- guiMemoSetCaretIndex
- guiMemoSetReadOnly
Radio Buttons
- guiCreateScrollPane
- guiScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetScrollBars
- guiScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition
Static Images
Tab Panels
Text Labels
- guiCreateLabel
- guiLabelGetColor
- guiLabelGetFontHeight
- guiLabelGetTextExtent
- guiLabelSetColor
- guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign
- guiLabelSetVerticalAlign
- onClientGUIAccepted
- onClientGUIBlur
- onClientGUIChanged
- onClientGUIClick
- onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted
- onClientGUIDoubleClick
- onClientGUIFocus
- onClientGUIMouseDown
- onClientGUIMouseUp
- onClientGUIMove
- onClientGUIScroll
- onClientGUISize
- onClientGUITabSwitched
- onClientMouseEnter
- onClientMouseLeave
- onClientMouseMove
- onClientMouseWheel