Shared function


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[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note: This function only works with peds using CJ skin (ID 0).

This function is used to set the current clothes on a ped.


bool addPedClothes ( ped thePed, string clothesTexture, string clothesModel, int clothesType )
CJ with a shirt.

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Method: ped:addClothes(...)
Counterpart: getPedClothes

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped whose clothes you want to change.
  • clothesTexture: A string determining the clothes texture that will be added. See the clothes catalog.
  • clothesModel: A string determining the clothes model that will be added. See the clothes catalog.
  • clothesType: A integer representing the clothes slot/type the clothes should be added to. See the clothes catalog.


This function returns true if the clothes were successfully added to the ped, false otherwise.


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This example adds a 'moto' helmet to a player when he gets on a nrg bike, and removes it when he gets off.

function onEnterVehicle ( theVehicle, seat, jacked )
    if getElementModel ( theVehicle ) == 522 then         -- if it's an nrg
        addPedClothes ( source, "moto", "moto", 16 )   -- add the helmet
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, onEnterVehicle )

function onExitVehicle ( theVehicle, seat, jacked )
    if getElementModel ( theVehicle ) == 522 then      -- if it's an nrg
        removePedClothes ( source, 16 )              -- remove the helmet
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleExit", root, onExitVehicle )

See Also