Shared function
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This function is used to remove the current clothes of a certain type on a ped. It will remove them if the clothesTexture and clothesModel aren't specified, or if they match the current clothes on that slot.
bool removePedClothes ( ped thePed, int clothesType [, string clothesTexture, string clothesModel ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: ped:removeClothes(...)
Required Arguments
- thePed: The ped you want to remove clothes from.
- clothesType: the clothes slot/type to remove. See the clothes catalog.
Optional Arguments
- clothesTexture: (Server only) A string determining the clothes texture that will be removed. See the clothes catalog.
- clothesModel: (Server only) A string determining the clothes model that will be removed. See the clothes catalog.
This function returns true if the clothes were successfully removed from the ped, false otherwise.
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ServerThis example adds a 'moto' helmet to a player when he gets on a nrg bike, and removes it when he gets off.
function addHelmetOnEnter ( vehicleEntered, seat, jacked ) if getElementModel ( vehicleEntered ) == 522 then -- if it's a nrg addPedClothes ( source, "moto", "moto", 16 ) -- add the helmet end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, addHelmetOnEnter ) function removeHelmetOnExit ( vehicleExited, seat, jacked ) if getElementModel ( vehicleExited ) == 522 then -- if it's a nrg removePedClothes ( source, 16, "moto", "moto" ) -- remove that helmet end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleExit", root, removeHelmetOnExit )
See Also
- addPedClothes
- getPedClothes
- removePedClothes
- createPed
- getPedAmmoInClip
- getPedArmor
- getPedFightingStyle
- getPedOccupiedVehicle
- getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat
- getPedStat
- getPedTarget
- getPedTotalAmmo
- getPedWalkingStyle
- getPedWeapon
- getPedWeaponSlot
- getPedContactElement
- getValidPedModels
- isPedChoking
- isPedDead
- isPedDoingGangDriveby
- isPedDucked
- isPedHeadless
- isPedInVehicle
- isPedOnFire
- isPedOnGround
- isPedReloadingWeapon
- isPedWearingJetpack
- killPed
- removePedFromVehicle
- setPedAnimation
- setPedAnimationProgress
- setPedAnimationSpeed
- setPedArmor
- setPedDoingGangDriveby
- setPedFightingStyle
- setPedHeadless
- setPedOnFire
- setPedStat
- setPedWalkingStyle
- setPedWeaponSlot
- warpPedIntoVehicle