Shared function


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This function kills the specified ped.

From v1.5.3 onwards this function is now available client side. Only works on client side peds.


bool killPed ( ped thePed, [ ped theKiller = nil, int weapon=255, int bodyPart=255, bool stealth = false ] )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: ped:kill(...)

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped to kill

Optional Arguments

  • theKiller: The ped responsible for the kill
  • weapon: The ID of the weapon or Damage Types that should appear to have killed the ped (doesn't affect how they die)
  • bodyPart: The ID of the body part that should appear to have been hit by the weapon (doesn't affect how they die)
  • 3: Torso
  • 4: Ass
  • 5: Left Arm
  • 6: Right Arm
  • 7: Left Leg
  • 8: Right Leg
  • 9: Head
  • stealth: Boolean value, representing whether or not this a stealth kill


Returns true if the ped was killed, false if the ped specified could not be killed or is invalid.


Example 1: This simple example adds a kill command to commit suicide.

function commitSuicide ( sourcePlayer )
	-- kill the player and make him responsible for it
	killPed ( sourcePlayer, sourcePlayer )
-- attach our handler to the "kill" command
addCommandHandler ( "kill", commitSuicide )

Example 2: This example enables 1 hit kills if a player is shot in the head.

function headshotKill ( attacker, attackerweapon, bodypart, loss )
	if bodypart == 9 then --if the bodypart is the head
		--kill the player, emulating the correct killer, weapon and bodypart.
		killPed ( source, attacker, attackerweapon, bodypart )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), headshotKill )

See Also