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Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use onPlayerACInfo instead.

This function returns anti-cheat info for a player. The info returned by this function can change over time, so use the server event onPlayerACInfo instead.


table getPlayerACInfo( element thePlayer )

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Method: player:getACInfo(...)
Variable: .ACInfo

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player whose anti-cheat info you want to check.


Returns a table with the following entries:

  • DetectedAC: A string containing a comma separated list of anti-cheat codes the player has triggered.
  • d3d9Size: A number representing the file size of any custom d3d9.dll the player may have installed.
  • d3d9MD5: A string containing the MD5 of any custom d3d9.dll the player may have installed.
  • d3d9SHA256: A string containing the SHA256 of any custom d3d9.dll the player may have installed.


Minimum server version 1.3.3
Minimum client version n/a

Note: Using this feature requires the resource to have the above minimum version declared in the meta.xml <min_mta_version> section. e.g. <min_mta_version server="1.3.3" />

See Also