Shared function
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This function splits a string using the given separating character and returns one specified substring.
string gettok ( string text, int tokenNumber, string / int separatingCharacter )
Required Arguments
- text: the string that should be split.
- tokenNumber: which token should be returned (1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on).
- separatingCharacter: the ASCII number representing the character you want to use to separate the tokens. You can easily retrieve this by running string.byte on a string containing the separating character.
Returns a string containing the token if it exists, false otherwise.
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ServerThis example retrieves the startskin and endskin for spawning a player from a string of two numbers "a,b"
-- Put the string with the skins in a variable. Normally you would read it from a .map file or something. local skins = "20,30" -- Get the startskin and endskin strings ("20" and "30" in this case) local startskin = gettok ( skins, 1, ',') local endskin = gettok ( skins, 2, ',' ) -- Get a random skin in the range local skin = math.random ( tonumber(startskin), tonumber(endskin) )
See Also
- addDebugHook
- base64Decode
- base64Encode
- debugSleep
- decodeString
- encodeString
- fromJSON
- generateKeyPair
- getColorFromString
- getDevelopmentMode
- getDistanceBetweenPoints2D
- getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
- getEasingValue
- getNetworkStats
- getNetworkUsageData
- getPerformanceStats
- getRealTime
- getTickCount
- getTimerDetails
- getTimers
- getFPSLimit
- getUserdataType
- getVersion
- gettok
- isTransferBoxVisible
- setTransferBoxVisible
- hash
- inspect
- interpolateBetween
- iprint
- isOOPEnabled
- isTimer
- killTimer
- md5
- passwordHash
- passwordVerify
- pregFind
- pregMatch
- pregReplace
- removeDebugHook
- resetTimer
- setDevelopmentMode
- setFPSLimit
- setTimer
- ref
- deref
- sha256
- split
- teaDecode
- teaEncode
- toJSON
- tocolor
- getProcessMemoryStats
- utfChar
- utfCode
- utfLen
- utfSeek
- utfSub
- bitAnd
- bitNot
- bitOr
- bitXor
- bitTest
- bitLRotate
- bitRRotate
- bitLShift
- bitRShift
- bitArShift
- bitExtract
- bitReplace