Shared function


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This function stops at the first occurrence of the pattern in the input string and returns the result of the search.

[[|link=|]] Warning: When declaring a pattern string in quotes, the backslash character should be doubled up. e.g. "\\(" will match a single bracket.
[[|link=|]] Warning: Multiline flag does not work correctly


bool pregFind ( string subject, string pattern [, int/string flags ] )

Required Arguments

Optional Arguments

  • flags: Conjuncted value that contains flags ( 1 - ignorecase, 2 - multiline, 4 - dotall, 8 - extended, 16 - unicode ) or ( i - Ignore case, m - Multiline, d - Dotall, e - Extended, u - Unicode )


Returns true if the pattern was found in the input string, false otherwise.


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Shared ( client and server )

Some examples:

addCommandHandler( 'examples',
	function( )
                -- find the first occurrence of 'hello world' in a string
		outputDebugString( pregFind( 'hello world, hello world, hello world', 'hello world' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found 
                -- find the first occurrence of an integer in a string
                outputDebugString( pregFind( '123', '^-{0,1}\\d+$' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found
                -- check if the input string consists of at least 3 letters from a to z (both uppercase and lowercase) and does not contain any whitespace characters
                outputDebugString( pregFind( 'Kenix', '^[a-zA-Z]{3,}$' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found
                -- check if the input string matches the format of a role-play name
                outputDebugString( pregFind( 'Garry_Newman', '([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}_([A-Z]{1,1})[a-z]{2,9}' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found
                -- example of a search for non-ASCII characters (i.e. cyrillic) - привет
                outputDebugString( pregFind( 'Всем привет парни, ещё раз привет :D', 'привет' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found
                -- example of a search for a specific sequence of numbers
                outputDebugString( pregFind( '5, 10', '^([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,})+(((,\s|,)[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,}){0,1}){1,1}' ) and 'found' or 'not found' ) -- found



Version Description
1.5.0-9.07315 Added flag "u" in regular expressions

See Also