Shared function
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bool setTimerPaused ( timer theTimer, bool paused )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Variable: .paused
Required Arguments
- theTimer: The timer you wish to pause or resume.
- paused: a boolean value representing whether the timer should be paused or not. To pause the timer, use true.
Returns true if the timer was successfully paused or resumed, false if no such timer existed.
This example pauses all current timers from this resource.
-- Get a table of all current timers from this resource local timers = getTimers ( ) -- Loop through the table of timers for timerIndex, timerValue in ipairs( timers ) do -- pause each timer setTimerPaused ( timerValue, true ) end
See Also
- addDebugHook
- base64Decode
- base64Encode
- debugSleep
- decodeString
- encodeString
- fromJSON
- generateKeyPair
- getColorFromString
- getDevelopmentMode
- getDistanceBetweenPoints2D
- getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
- getEasingValue
- getNetworkStats
- getNetworkUsageData
- getPerformanceStats
- getRealTime
- getTickCount
- getTimerDetails
- getTimers
- getFPSLimit
- getUserdataType
- getVersion
- gettok
- isTransferBoxVisible
- setTransferBoxVisible
- hash
- inspect
- interpolateBetween
- iprint
- isOOPEnabled
- isTimer
- killTimer
- md5
- passwordHash
- passwordVerify
- pregFind
- pregMatch
- pregReplace
- removeDebugHook
- resetTimer
- setDevelopmentMode
- setFPSLimit
- setTimer
- ref
- deref
- sha256
- split
- teaDecode
- teaEncode
- toJSON
- tocolor
- getProcessMemoryStats
- utfChar
- utfCode
- utfLen
- utfSeek
- utfSub
- bitAnd
- bitNot
- bitOr
- bitXor
- bitTest
- bitLRotate
- bitRRotate
- bitLShift
- bitRShift
- bitArShift
- bitExtract
- bitReplace