Server-side event


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This event is triggered when a player added a ban (like onBan).


ban banPointer, player responsibleElement
  • banPointer: the ban pointer which was added.
  • responsibleElement: the player who added the ban.


The source of this event is the player who was banned.

Cancel effect

This event cannot be canceled.


This example outputs the responsible element and the banned player's name when a ban takes place.

function outputBan ( banPointer, responsibleElement ) -- Define the banner and the ban pointer in the function.
	local banner = getPlayerName( responsibleElement ) or "Console" -- Get the banner's name.
	outputChatBox ( banner .." has banned ".. getPlayerName( source ) ..".", root, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Output the ban.
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerBan", root, outputBan ) -- Trigger the function when there is a ban.


Version Description
1.3.0-9.03908 Fixed responsible element parameter

See Also

Player events

Event functions