Server-side event
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This event is triggered when a player hits a pickup.
pickup pickupHit
The source of this event is the player that hit the pickup.
Cancel effect
If this event is canceled, the player will not be able to pick up this pickup.
This example disables the use of armour pickups.
function armourBlock(pickup) if (getPickupType(pickup) == 1) then -- If it's an armour pickup cancelEvent() -- Cancel the event outputChatBox("Armour pickups are disabled.", source, 255, 0, 0) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerPickupHit", root, armourBlock)
See Also
Player events
- onPlayerACInfo
- onPlayerBan
- onPlayerChangeNick
- onPlayerChat
- onPlayerClick
- onPlayerCommand
- onPlayerConnect
- onPlayerContact
- onPlayerDamage
- onPlayerJoin
- onPlayerLogin
- onPlayerLogout
- onPlayerMarkerHit
- onPlayerMarkerLeave
- onPlayerModInfo
- onPlayerMute
- onPlayerNetworkStatus
- onPlayerPickupHit
- onPlayerPickupLeave
- onPlayerPickupUse
- onPlayerPrivateMessage
- onPlayerQuit
- onPlayerScreenShot
- onPlayerSpawn
- onPlayerStealthKill
- onPlayerTarget
- onPlayerUnmute
- onPlayerVehicleEnter
- onPlayerVehicleExit
- onPlayerVoiceStart
- onPlayerVoiceStop
- onPlayerWasted
- onPlayerWeaponFire
- onPlayerWeaponSwitch
Event functions
- addEvent
- addEventHandler
- cancelEvent
- cancelLatentEvent
- getEventHandlers
- getLatentEventHandles
- getLatentEventStatus
- removeEventHandler
- triggerEvent
- wasEventCancelled