Server-side event


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This event is triggered when a players network connection to the server is interrupted. See onClientPlayerNetworkStatus for detecting server to player interruptions.


int status, int ticks
  • status: an int which is 0 if the interruption has begun, or 1 if the interruption is ending.
  • ticks: an int representing the ticks since the interruption started.


The source of this event is the player that has the network interruption.


This example shows a debug message when interruption starts and stops.

addEventHandler( "onPlayerNetworkStatus", root,
  function( status, ticks )
    if status == 0 then
      outputDebugString( "(packets from " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ") interruption began " .. ticks .. " ticks ago" )
    elseif status == 1 then
      outputDebugString( "(packets from " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ") interruption began " .. ticks .. " ticks ago and has just ended" )

See Also

Player events

Event functions