Server-side event
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This event is triggered when a players network connection to the server is interrupted. See onClientPlayerNetworkStatus for detecting server to player interruptions.
int status, int ticks
- status: an int which is 0 if the interruption has begun, or 1 if the interruption is ending.
- ticks: an int representing the ticks since the interruption started.
The source of this event is the player that has the network interruption.
This example shows a debug message when interruption starts and stops.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerNetworkStatus", root, function( status, ticks ) if status == 0 then outputDebugString( "(packets from " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ") interruption began " .. ticks .. " ticks ago" ) elseif status == 1 then outputDebugString( "(packets from " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ") interruption began " .. ticks .. " ticks ago and has just ended" ) end end )
See Also
Player events
- onPlayerACInfo
- onPlayerBan
- onPlayerChangeNick
- onPlayerChat
- onPlayerClick
- onPlayerCommand
- onPlayerConnect
- onPlayerContact
- onPlayerDamage
- onPlayerJoin
- onPlayerLogin
- onPlayerLogout
- onPlayerMarkerHit
- onPlayerMarkerLeave
- onPlayerModInfo
- onPlayerMute
- onPlayerNetworkStatus
- onPlayerPickupHit
- onPlayerPickupLeave
- onPlayerPickupUse
- onPlayerPrivateMessage
- onPlayerQuit
- onPlayerScreenShot
- onPlayerSpawn
- onPlayerStealthKill
- onPlayerTarget
- onPlayerUnmute
- onPlayerVehicleEnter
- onPlayerVehicleExit
- onPlayerVoiceStart
- onPlayerVoiceStop
- onPlayerWasted
- onPlayerWeaponFire
- onPlayerWeaponSwitch
Event functions
- addEvent
- addEventHandler
- cancelEvent
- cancelLatentEvent
- getEventHandlers
- getLatentEventHandles
- getLatentEventStatus
- removeEventHandler
- triggerEvent
- wasEventCancelled