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This function splits a string into substrings. You specify a character that will act as a separating character; this will determine where to split the sub-strings. For example, it can split the string "Hello World" into two strings containing the two words, by spliting using a space as a separator.

Note: You can use the function gettok to retrieve a single token from the string at a specific index. This may be faster for one-off lookups, but considerably slower if you are going to check each token in a long string.


table split ( string stringToSplit, int separatingChar )

Required Arguments

  • stringToSplit The string you wish to split into parts.
  • separatingChar The character you want to use to split (ASCII number)



Returns a table of the substrings.


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This example gives the specified weapons to the given player, while the weapons are a string in the form: 'weaponId,ammo;weaponId2,ammo2;weaponId3,ammo3;..'. This is especially for data read from a .map file attribute.

function giveWeapons(player, weaponsString)
	local weaponsTable = split(weaponsString, 59) --split the string by the semi colon
	for k,v in ipairs(weaponsTable) do --for all the split values do
		weaponId = gettok(v, 1, 44) --get the weapon ID using gettok, retrieve the first token
		weaponAmmo = gettok(v, 2, 44) --get the ammo using gettok, retrieve the second token
		if (weaponId ~= nil and weaponAmmo ~= nil) then --if neither of them is invalid
			giveWeapon(player, weaponId, weaponAmmo) --give the player the weapons

See Also