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Script Example Missing Function TeaDecode needs a script example, help out by writing one. |
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string teaDecode ( string data, string key )
Required Arguments
- data: The block of data you want to decrypt
- key: The key that should be used for decryption (Only first 16 characters are used)
Returns string containing the decrypted data if the decryption process was successfully completed, false otherwise.
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Example 1This example creates a /teadecrypt command, which reverts the TEA on a given string with the specified key, if any.
[lua] function decrypt(cmd, theString, key) if theString then if not key then key = string.rep(string.char(math.random(string.byte("a"), string.byte("Z"))), 10) -- Generate a random key of 10 characters end local decodedString = teaDecode(theString, key) -- Encode the string with the key outputChatBox("The encoded string is: " .. encodedString .. " (used key: " .. key .. ")") else outputChatBox("Syntax: /" .. cmd .. " (string) [key].") end end addCommandHandler("teadecrypt", decrypt)
See Also
- addDebugHook
- base64Decode
- base64Encode
- debugSleep
- decodeString
- encodeString
- fromJSON
- generateKeyPair
- getColorFromString
- getDevelopmentMode
- getDistanceBetweenPoints2D
- getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
- getEasingValue
- getNetworkStats
- getNetworkUsageData
- getPerformanceStats
- getRealTime
- getTickCount
- getTimerDetails
- getTimers
- getFPSLimit
- getUserdataType
- getVersion
- gettok
- isTransferBoxVisible
- setTransferBoxVisible
- hash
- inspect
- interpolateBetween
- iprint
- isOOPEnabled
- isTimer
- killTimer
- md5
- passwordHash
- passwordVerify
- pregFind
- pregMatch
- pregReplace
- removeDebugHook
- resetTimer
- setDevelopmentMode
- setFPSLimit
- setTimer
- ref
- deref
- sha256
- split
- teaDecode
- teaEncode
- toJSON
- tocolor
- getProcessMemoryStats
- utfChar
- utfCode
- utfLen
- utfSeek
- utfSub
- bitAnd
- bitNot
- bitOr
- bitXor
- bitTest
- bitLRotate
- bitRRotate
- bitLShift
- bitRShift
- bitArShift
- bitExtract
- bitReplace