This function assigns a low LOD element to an element. The low LOD element is displayed when its associated element is not fully visible. If a low LOD element is assigned to several elements, it will be displayed when any of these elements are not fully visible.
bool setLowLODElement ( element theElement, element lowLODElement )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: element:setLowLOD(...)
- Variable: .lowLOD
- Counterpart: getLowLODElement
Required Arguments
- theElement: The element whose low LOD version we want to change.
- lowLODElement : A low LOD element to display when the first element is not fully visible.
Returns true if the assignment was successful, false otherwise.
Example 1
This example shows how to create and link a normal and low LOD object:
-- Create an normal object objNormal = createObject ( 3620, x,y,z,0,0,0 ) -- Create a low LOD object objLowLOD = createObject ( 5154, x,y,z,0,0,0,true ) -- Set the normal object low LOD version setLowLODElement ( objNormal, objLowLOD ) -- Set the draw distance for the model we are using for low LOD to maximum engineSetModelLODDistance ( 5154, 300 )
Example 2
This example shows how to create and link a composite object
-- Create composite object objMainBit = createObject ( 3620, x,y,z ) objLeftBit = createObject ( 5158, x,y,z ) objRightBit = createObject ( 5158, x,y,z ) objDetailBit1 = createObject ( 1337, x,y,z ) objDetailBit2 = createObject ( 1337, x,y,z ) objInternalBit = createObject ( 1337, x,y,z ) attachElements ( objLeftBit, objMainBit, -10, 0, 0 ) attachElements ( objRightBit, objMainBit, 10, 0, 0 ) attachElements ( objDetailBit1, objMainBit, 5, 0, 0 ) attachElements ( objDetailBit2, objLeftBit, 5, 5, 0 ) attachElements ( objInternalBit, objRightBit, 5, 7, 0 ) -- Create low LOD object (which represents the whole composite model) objlowLOD = createObject ( 5154, x,y,z, 0, 0, 0, true ) -- Attach low LOD object so it moves with the main model attachElements ( objlowLOD, objMainBit, 0, 0, 0 ) -- Set associations so the low LOD model is displayed when the main parts are not full visible setLowLODElement ( objMainBit, objlowLOD ) setLowLODElement ( objLeftBit, objlowLOD ) setLowLODElement ( objRightBit, objlowLOD ) -- Note that the detail and internal parts have not been associated to the low LOD object -- Set the draw distance for the model we are using for low LOD to maximum triggerClientEvent("onClientChangeModelLODDistance", resourceRoot, 5154, 300 )
Changing the draw distance for a model has to be done on the client:
addEvent("onClientChangeModelLODDistance",true) addEventHandler("onClientChangeModelLODDistance", resourceRoot, function(model,distance) engineSetModelLODDistance ( model, distance ) end )
Minimum server version | 1.2 |
Minimum client version | 1.2 |
Note: Using this feature requires the resource to have the above minimum version declared in the meta.xml <min_mta_version> section. e.g. <min_mta_version server="1.2" client="1.2" />
See Also
- attachElements
- createElement
- destroyElement
- detachElements
- getAttachedElements
- getElementAlpha
- getElementAttachedOffsets
- getElementAttachedTo
- getElementByIndex
- getElementByID
- getElementChild
- getElementChildren
- getElementChildrenCount
- getElementCollisionsEnabled
- getElementColShape
- getElementData
- getAllElementData
- hasElementData
- getElementDimension
- getElementHealth
- getElementID
- getElementInterior
- getElementMatrix
- getElementModel
- getElementParent
- getElementPosition
- getElementRotation
- getElementsByType
- getElementsWithinColShape
- getElementsWithinRange
- getElementType
- getElementVelocity
- getLowLODElement
- getRootElement
- isElement
- isElementAttached
- isElementCallPropagationEnabled
- isElementDoubleSided
- isElementFrozen
- isElementInWater
- isElementLowLOD
- isElementWithinColShape
- isElementWithinMarker
- setElementAlpha
- setElementAngularVelocity
- getElementAngularVelocity
- setElementAttachedOffsets
- setElementCallPropagationEnabled
- setElementCollisionsEnabled
- setElementData
- setElementDimension
- setElementDoubleSided
- setElementFrozen
- setElementHealth
- setElementID
- setElementInterior
- setElementModel
- setElementParent
- setElementPosition
- setElementRotation
- setElementVelocity
- setLowLODElement
- getPedContactElement
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceRootElement