This function will blow up a vehicle. This will cause an explosion and will kill the driver and any passengers inside it.
bool blowVehicle ( vehicle vehicleToBlow, [ bool explode=true ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: vehicle:blow(...)
- Variable: .blown
- Counterpart: isVehicleBlown
Required Arguments
- vehicleToBlow: the vehicle that you wish to blow up.
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- explode: if this argument is true then the vehicle will explode, otherwise it will just be blown up silently.
bool blowVehicle ( vehicle vehicleToBlow )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: vehicle:blow(...)
Required Arguments
- vehicleToBlow: the vehicle that you wish to blow up.
Returns true if the vehicle was blown up, false if invalid arguments were passed to the function.
This example will blow up every vehicle in the game.
vehicles = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) for vehicleKey, vehicleValue in ipairs(vehicles) do blowVehicle ( vehicleValue ) end
It is worth noting that the same could be achieved with the following:
blowVehicle ( root ) -- root (getRootElement) is a built in MTA variable and therefore we do not have to define it.
This example will blow a player's vehicle when he enters the car, like a carbomb.
riggedVehicle = createVehicle(445, 0, 0, 5) function blowVehicleEnter ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) --ENGINE START BOMB. if seat == 0 then --check if the seat the player got into was id 0 - i.e. driver seat blowVehicle ( source ) --if it was, toast him end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", riggedVehicle, blowVehicleEnter ) --trigger the function when a certain vehicle is entered
Client Class Example
Heads up! Client classes only work on MTA 1.4, therefore we highly recommend you to visit Client Scripting Classes first.
This script will create an Infernus at the center (0, 0, 3) of San Andreas upon execution.
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() infernus = Vehicle.create( 411, Vector3( 0, 0, 3 ) ); -- Create an Infernus and spawn it at the middle of SA. infernus:setColor( 0, 0, 0 ); -- Set its color to black. end) addCommandHandler( "blowinfernus", function() if not infernus.blown then -- Check if the Infernus is blown up or not. infernus:blow(); else -- Ouch, it's blown up, let's output an error to the client. outputChatBox( "The Infernus has already been blown up by you.", 255, 0, 0, false ); end end)
See Also
- addVehicleUpgrade
- addVehicleSirens
- attachTrailerToVehicle
- blowVehicle
- createVehicle
- detachTrailerFromVehicle
- fixVehicle
- getOriginalHandling
- getTrainDirection
- getTrainPosition
- getTrainSpeed
- getTrainTrack
- getVehicleColor
- getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades
- getVehicleController
- getVehicleDoorOpenRatio
- getVehicleDoorState
- getVehicleEngineState
- getVehicleHandling
- getVehicleHeadLightColor
- getVehicleLandingGearDown
- getVehicleLightState
- getVehicleMaxPassengers
- getVehicleModelFromName
- getVehicleName
- getVehicleNameFromModel
- setVehicleNitroActivated
- getVehicleOccupant
- getVehicleOccupants
- getVehicleOverrideLights
- getVehiclePaintjob
- getVehiclePanelState
- getVehiclePlateText
- getVehicleSirenParams
- getVehicleSirens
- getVehicleSirensOn
- getVehicleTowedByVehicle
- getVehicleTowingVehicle
- getVehicleTurretPosition
- getVehicleType
- getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot
- getVehicleUpgradeSlotName
- getVehicleUpgrades
- getVehicleVariant
- getVehicleWheelStates
- isTrainDerailable
- isTrainDerailed
- isVehicleBlown
- isVehicleDamageProof
- isVehicleFuelTankExplodable
- isVehicleLocked
- isVehicleOnGround
- isVehicleTaxiLightOn
- removeVehicleUpgrade
- removeVehicleSirens
- setTrainDerailable
- setTrainDerailed
- setTrainDirection
- setTrainPosition
- setTrainSpeed
- setTrainTrack
- setVehicleColor
- setVehicleDamageProof
- setVehicleDoorOpenRatio
- setVehicleDoorState
- setVehicleDoorsUndamageable
- setVehicleEngineState
- setVehicleFuelTankExplodable
- setVehicleHandling
- setVehicleHeadLightColor
- setVehicleLandingGearDown
- setVehicleLightState
- setVehicleLocked
- setVehicleOverrideLights
- setVehiclePaintjob
- setVehiclePanelState
- setVehiclePlateText
- setVehicleSirens
- setVehicleSirensOn
- setVehicleTaxiLightOn
- setVehicleTurretPosition
- setVehicleVariant
- setVehicleWheelStates