Shared function


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This function gets the properties of a vehicle's sirens.


table getVehicleSirens ( vehicle theVehicle )

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Method: vehicle:getSirens(...)
Variable: .sirens
Counterpart: setVehicleSirens

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The vehicle to get siren information of.


If the vehicle is invalid, it returns false. Otherwise, returns a table with sub tables containing the properties of each siren point in the following manner:

[float]   SirenData[sirenPoint].x
[float]   SirenData[sirenPoint].y
[float]   SirenData[sirenPoint].z
[int]     SirenData[sirenPoint].Red
[int]     SirenData[sirenPoint].Green
[int]     SirenData[sirenPoint].Blue
[int]     SirenData[sirenPoint].Alpha
[int]     SirenData[sirenPoint].Min_Alpha


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This example returns the siren properties when the player presses Z.

addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function(player, seat)
   if seat == 0 then -- If a player starts driving a vehicle...
      -- ... customize the vehicle sirens and bind a key to ouput info about them to the driver
      addVehicleSirens(source, 1, 1)
      setVehicleSirens(source, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 255, 122)
      bindKey(player, "z", "up", outputSirenInfoToPlayer, source)

function outputSirenInfoToPlayer(player, _, _, vehicle)
   -- Get vehicle's siren data and output it to the player in the chatbox
   local sirenData = getVehicleSirens(vehicle)
   outputChatBox("These are the properties of your vehicle's siren:", player, 0, 255, 0)
   outputChatBox("RGB siren colour: " .. sirenData[1].Red .. ", " .. sirenData[1].Green .. ", " .. sirenData[1].Blue .. ".", player)
   outputChatBox("Maximum alpha (during bad visibility conditions): " .. sirenData[1].Alpha .. ", minimum alpha (during good visibility conditions): " .. sirenData[1].Min_Alpha .. ".", player)
   outputChatBox("Siren light position: " .. sirenData[1].x .. ", " .. sirenData[1].y .. ", " .. sirenData[1].z .. ".", player)

addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", root, function(player, seat)
   if seat == 0 then -- If a player stops driving a vehicle...
      -- ... remove vehicle's sirens and unbind the key
      unbindKey(player, "z", "up", outputSirenInfoToPlayer)

See Also