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This function will set a train or tram as derailed.


bool setTrainDerailed ( vehicle vehicleToDerail, bool derailed )              

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Method: vehicle:setDerailed(...)
Variable: .derailed
Counterpart: isTrainDerailed

Required Arguments

  • vehicleToDerail: The vehicle that you wish to derail.
  • derailed: whether the train is derailed.


Returns true if the state was successfully set


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This example creates an underailable train, and allows it to be derailed when you want

function makeTrain(thePlayer)
	myTrain = createVehicle(537,1995,-1949,13)-- This will make a freight train just east of the LS train station
	setTrainDerailable(myTrain, false) -- myTrain can not be derailed now
	outputChatBox("A freight train has been created for you.", thePlayer) -- Just a simple message for the player
addCommandHandler("trainmeup", makeTrain)

function derailTrain()
	setTrainDerailed(myTrain, true) -- When the command is used the train becomes derailed
	outputChatBox("Freight train has been derailed!", thePlayer) -- A message to confirm the train was derailed
addCommandHandler("derailme", derailTrain)

See Also