Shared function


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Gets the speed at which a train is traveling on the rails.


float getTrainSpeed ( vehicle train )

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Method: vehicle:getTrainSpeed(...)
Variable: .trainSpeed
Counterpart: setTrainSpeed

Required Arguments

  • train: the train of which to retrieve the speed.


Returns the train's speed if successful, false otherwise.


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This example outputs how fast a player is going if they're in a train. The command is "/speed".

function getPlayersTrainSpeed ( source, command ) -- Define source in the function header.
	if ( isPedInVehicle ( source ) ) -- Check if they're in a vehicle.
	local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) -- Get the vehicle they're in.
		if ( getVehicleType ( veh ) == "Train" ) then -- Check if the vehicle they're in is a train.
			local speed = getTrainSpeed ( veh ) -- Get the trains speed.
			outputChatBox ( "You are travelling at a speed of " .. speed, source, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Output their speed.
			outputChatBox ( "You must be in a train to use this command.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell them they're not in a train.
		outputChatBox ( "You must be in a train to use this command.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell them they're not in a train.
addCommandHandler ( "speed", getPlayersTrainSpeed ) -- Make the function trigger when a player types "/speed".

See Also