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This function will get the headlight color of a vehicle.


int, int, int getVehicleHeadLightColor ( vehicle theVehicle )            

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:getHeadLightColor(...)
Counterpart: setVehicleHeadLightColor

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The vehicle that you wish to set the headlight color of.


Returns three integers for the red, green and blue of the headlight color for the specified vehicle, false if an invalid vehicle was specified.


This example outputs the player vehicle head lights color.

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function getHeadLightsColor()
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- We get the player vehicle..
	if (vehicle) then -- We check if he's on a vehicle...
		local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(vehicle) -- We get the vehicle head lights color..
		outputChatBox("Your vehicle lights color are: ".. r ..", ".. g ..", ".. b) -- We output them to the chatbox.
addCommandHandler("lightscolor",getHeadLightsColor) -- Add the command handler attached to the function "getHeadLightsColor".
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function getHeadLightsColor(thePlayer)
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) -- We get the player vehicle..
	if (vehicle) then -- We check if he's on a vehicle...
		local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(vehicle) -- We get the vehicle head lights color..
		outputChatBox("Your vehicle lights color are: ".. r ..", ".. g ..", ".. b, thePlayer) -- We output them to the chatbox.
addCommandHandler("lightscolor",getHeadLightsColor) -- Add the command handler attached to the function "getHeadLightsColor".

See Also