Shared function


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This function makes a vehicle's doors undamageable, so they won't fall off when they're hit. Note that the vehicle has to be locked using setVehicleLocked for this setting to have any effect.


bool setVehicleDoorsUndamageable ( vehicle theVehicle, bool state )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:setDoorsUndamageable(...)
Variable: .doorsUndamageable

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The vehicle of which you wish to set the car door damageability.
  • state: A boolean denoting whether the vehicle's doors are undamageable (true) or damageable (false).


Returns true if the damageability state was successfully changed, false if invalid arguments were passed.


Here you can disable all vehicles doors damage with /nodamage, and enable it with /adddamage.

function doorsLikeGod()
	for i, car in ipairs( getElementsByType ("vehicle") ) do
		setVehicleDoorsUndamageable ( car, true )
	outputChatBox("All vehicles doors is not damageable")
addCommandHandler("nodamage", doorsLikeGod)

function doorsNotLikeGod()
	for i, car in ipairs( getElementsByType ("vehicle") ) do
		setVehicleDoorsUndamageable ( car, false )
	outputChatBox("Now everyone can kick vehicles doors and throw them away.")
addCommandHandler("adddamage", doorsNotLikeGod)

See Also