Shared function


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This function is used to check whether a vehicle's landing gear is down or not. Only planes can be used with this function.


bool getVehicleLandingGearDown ( vehicle theVehicle )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:getLandingGearDown(...)
Variable: .landingGearDown
Counterpart: setVehicleLandingGearDown

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: the vehicle of which you wish to check the landing gear state.


Returns true if landing gear is down, false if the landing gear is up.
Returns nil if the vehicle has no landing gear, or is invalid.


This function tells you to pull up the landing gear if you're in a Hydra with its landing gear down.

function checkGear( thePlayer )
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer )    --Get the players vehicle
    if ( getElementModel(theVehicle) == 520 and getVehicleLandingGearDown( theVehicle ) == false ) then    --if the vehicle is a hydra, and the landing gear is up
        outputChatBox( "Pull up!", thePlayer )    --tell the player to pull up.

See Also