Shared function


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This function returns the current states of all the wheels on the vehicle.

No vehicles have more than 4 wheels, if they appear to they will be duplicating other wheels.


int, int, int, int getVehicleWheelStates ( vehicle theVehicle )

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Method: vehicle:getWheelStates(...)
Counterpart: setVehicleWheelStates

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: A handle to the vehicle that you wish to know the wheel states of.


Returns 4 ints indicating the states of the wheels (front left, rear left, front right, rear right). These values can be:

  • 0: Inflated
  • 1: Flat
  • 2: Fallen off
  • 3: Collisionless


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This example displays the states of the vehicle's wheels and changes their states if any arguments were passed.

function scriptWheelStates ( thePlayer, command, newFLeft, newRLeft, newFRight, newRRight )
  local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer )
  if ( theVehicle ) then -- check if the player is in a car
  	 if ( newFLeft ) then -- if there's at least one argument passed, we change the wheel states
	   if not setVehicleWheelStates ( theVehicle, newFLeft, newRLeft, newFRight, newRRight ) then
	      outputChatBox ( "Bad arguments." )
     local states = { [0]="inflated", [1]="flat", [2]="fallen off" } -- we store the states in a table
     local frontLeft, rearLeft, frontRight, rearRight = getVehicleWheelStates ( theVehicle )
     outputChatBox ( "Your vehicle's wheel states:", thePlayer ) -- output them in the chatbox
     outputChatBox ( "Front-Left: " .. states [ frontLeft ] .. ", Front-Right: " .. states [ frontRight ]
      .. ", Rear-Left: " .. states [ rearLeft ] .. ", Rear-Right: " .. states [ rearRight ], thePlayer )
      outputChatBox ( "You have to be in a vehicle to use this command.", thePlayer )
addCommandHandler ( "wheelstates", scriptWheelStates )
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See Also