Shared function


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This function gets the current paintjob on the specified vehicle.


int getVehiclePaintjob ( vehicle theVehicle )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:getPaintjob(...)
Variable: .paintjob
Counterpart: setVehiclePaintjob

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: the vehicle you wish to get the paintjob of.


Returns an integer representing the current paintjob on the vehicle.

  • 0: The first paintjob
  • 1: The second paintjob
  • 2: The third paintjob
  • 3: Default paintjob (no paintjob)
[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note: Always returns 3 if paintjobs are not supported for the vehicle.


This example will set the paintjob of a new sultan to '2', then check it was set.

newvehicle = createVehicle ( 560, 100, 100, 40 )   -- create the sultan
setVehiclePaintjob ( newvehicle, 2 )               -- change the paintjob
paintjob = getVehiclePaintjob ( newvehicle )
if ( paintjob == 2 ) then
    outputChatBox ( "the paintjob was successfully set" )

See Also