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This function returns a table of all the compatible upgrades (or all for a specified slot, optionally) for a specified vehicle.


table getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades ( vehicle theVehicle [, int slot ] )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:getCompatibleUpgrades(...)
Variable: .compatibleUpgrades

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: the vehicle you wish to retrieve the list of compatible upgrades of.

Optional Arguments

  • slot: the upgrade slot number for which you're getting the list (from 0 to 16). Compatible upgrades for all slots are listed if this is not specified.


Returns a table with all the compatible upgrades, or false if invalid arguments are passed.


This example displays a list of all the compatible upgrades for a vehicle when you enter it.

function scriptOnPlayerEnterVehicle ( invehicle, seat, jacked )
  local upgrades = getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades ( invehicle )
  for upgradeKey, upgradeValue in ipairs ( upgrades ) do
    outputChatBox ( getVehicleUpgradeSlotName ( upgradeValue ) .. ": " .. upgradeValue )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, scriptOnPlayerEnterVehicle )

See Also