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This function checks if the specified ped is on fire or not.
This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions. | |
Please use isElementOnFire instead. |
bool isPedOnFire ( ped thePed )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: ped:isOnFire(...)
- Variable: .onFire
- Counterpart: setPedOnFire
Required Arguments
- thePed: The ped to check.
Returns true if the ped is on fire, false otherwise.
Click to collapse [-]
ServerThis example checks if a random player is on fire, and if so gives him a fire extinguisher.
local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer() if isPedOnFire ( randomPlayer ) then giveWeapon ( randomPlayer, 42, 100, true ) end
See Also
- addPedClothes
- getPedClothes
- removePedClothes
- createPed
- getPedAmmoInClip
- getPedArmor
- getPedFightingStyle
- getPedOccupiedVehicle
- getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat
- getPedStat
- getPedTarget
- getPedTotalAmmo
- getPedWalkingStyle
- getPedWeapon
- getPedWeaponSlot
- getPedContactElement
- getValidPedModels
- isPedChoking
- isPedDead
- isPedDoingGangDriveby
- isPedDucked
- isPedHeadless
- isPedInVehicle
- isPedOnFire
- isPedOnGround
- isPedWearingJetpack
- killPed
- removePedFromVehicle
- setPedAnimation
- setPedAnimationProgress
- setPedAnimationSpeed
- setPedArmor
- setPedDoingGangDriveby
- setPedFightingStyle
- setPedHeadless
- setPedOnFire
- setPedStat
- setPedWalkingStyle
- setPedWeaponSlot
- warpPedIntoVehicle