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This function allows you to set the armor value of a ped.
bool setPedArmor ( ped thePed, float armor )
Required Arguments
- thePed: the ped whose armor you want to modify.
- armor: the amount of armor you want to set on the ped. Valid values are from 0 to 100.
Returns true if the armor was changed succesfully. Returns false if an invalid ped was specified, or the armor value specified is out of acceptable range.
This example removes the armor of a player.
function givePlayerArmor ( player, command ) setPedArmor ( player, 100 ) -- Set player's armor to 100 when he types the command 'addarmor' end addCommandHandler ( "addarmor", givePlayerArmor ) function removePlayerArmor ( player, command ) setPedArmor ( player, 0 ) -- Set player's armor to 0 when he types the command 'removearmor' end addCommandHandler ( "removearmor", removePlayerArmor )
See Also
- addPedClothes
- getPedClothes
- removePedClothes
- createPed
- getPedAmmoInClip
- getPedArmor
- getPedFightingStyle
- getPedOccupiedVehicle
- getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat
- getPedStat
- getPedTarget
- getPedTotalAmmo
- getPedWalkingStyle
- getPedWeapon
- getPedWeaponSlot
- getPedContactElement
- getValidPedModels
- isPedChoking
- isPedDead
- isPedDoingGangDriveby
- isPedDucked
- isPedHeadless
- isPedInVehicle
- isPedOnFire
- isPedOnGround
- isPedReloadingWeapon
- isPedWearingJetpack
- killPed
- removePedFromVehicle
- setPedAnimation
- setPedAnimationProgress
- setPedAnimationSpeed
- setPedArmor
- setPedDoingGangDriveby
- setPedFightingStyle
- setPedHeadless
- setPedOnFire
- setPedStat
- setPedWalkingStyle
- setPedWeaponSlot
- warpPedIntoVehicle