Server-side function


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This function gets the syncer of an element. The syncer is the player who is in control of the element.


element getElementSyncer ( element theElement )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: element:getSyncer(...)
Variable: .syncer
Counterpart: setElementSyncer

Required Arguments

  • theElement: The element to get the syncer of.


Returns the element that is the syncer of theElement or false if the element does not have a syncer.


This code will kill the syncer of the first ped created with createPed.

local elementSyncer = getElementSyncer(getElementsByType("ped")[1])
if elementSyncer and getElementType(elementSyncer) == "player" then --Check if its a player and if there is a syncer
    killPed(elementSyncer, elementSyncer)

This code will kill the syncer of the ped created with createPed.

function testKill(player,commandName)
    local idlewoodPed = createPed(26,1813.27,-1897.04,13.577)
    local elementSyncer = getElementSyncer(idlewoodPed)
    if elementSyncer and getElementType(elementSyncer) == "player" then --Check if its a player and if there is a syncer
        killPed(elementSyncer, elementSyncer)
addCommandHandler("testkill", testKill)

See Also