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This function gets all players sitting in the specified vehicle.


table getVehicleOccupants ( vehicle theVehicle )            

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:getOccupants(...)
Variable: .occupants

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: the vehicle of which you wish to retrieve the occupants.


Returns a table with seat ID as an index and the occupant as an element like this: table[seat] = occupant

Returns false if an invalid vehicle was passed or if the vehicle has no seats (like a trailer)

Don't use an ipairs loop with the table returned by this function. It will skip the driver, as ipairs starts at 1 and the driver seat is ID 0. And if there's an empty seat, ipairs will stop looping. You should use a pairs loop instead. You can simply use #table to get occupants count.
local counter = 0

for seat, player in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(pseudoVehicle)) do
    counter = counter + 1

outputDebugString("Players in your vehicle: ".. counter)


This example prints all vehicle occupants into the F8 console if "/occupants" is typed:

function outputOccupants(player)
    -- Make sure they're in a vehicle
    if (not isPedInVehicle(player)) then
        outputConsole("You're not in a vehicle.", player)
        return false
    outputConsole("------------------------------------", player) -- Print a separator for easier reading
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
    local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(vehicle) or {} -- In case it returned false, loop an empty table.
    for seat, occupant in pairs(occupants) do -- Loop through the array
        if (occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player") then -- Make sure the occupant is a player
            outputConsole("Seat " .. seat .. ": " .. getPlayerName(occupant), player) -- Print who's in the seat
    outputConsole("------------------------------------", player) -- Print another separator
addCommandHandler("occupants", outputOccupants) -- Add a command "/occupants" which triggers outputOccupants

See Also