Client-side function


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Creates a SWAT rope like that of the rope in single player used by SWAT Teams abseiling from the Police Maverick.


bool createSWATRope ( float fx, float fy, float fZ, int duration )

Required Arguments

  • fx, fy, fz: the world coordinates where the effect originates.
  • duration: the amount in miliseconds the rope will be there before falling to the ground.


This example creates a Swat rope in police maverick when you use the command /createrope

function SwatRope()
    local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    if myVehicle and getVehicleName(myVehicle) == "Police Maverick" then
        local x,y,z = getElementPosition(myVehicle)
        createSWATRope(x, y, z, 11111)  
addCommandHandler("createrope", SwatRope)

See Also