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This function sets the peds LOD distance.
bool setPedsLODDistance ( float distance )
Required arguments
- distance: the new peds LOD distance. This value is clamped to 0 – 500. (Default for high_detail_peds on is 500, when off, it is 60).
This function returns true if the argument is valid. Returns false otherwise.
This example sets the peds LOD distance to 120.
setPedsLODDistance( 120 )
See also
- createSWATRope
- getBirdsEnabled
- getCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- getGarageBoundingBox
- getGaragePosition
- getGarageSize
- getGroundPosition
- getInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- getNearClipDistance
- getPedsLODDistance
- getRoofPosition
- getScreenFromWorldPosition
- getVehiclesLODDistance
- getWorldFromScreenPosition
- isAmbientSoundEnabled
- isLineOfSightClear
- isWorldSoundEnabled
- processLineOfSight
- resetAmbientSounds
- resetBlurLevel
- resetColorFilter
- resetCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- resetNearClipDistance
- resetPedsLODDistance
- resetVehiclesLODDistance
- resetWorldSounds
- setAmbientSoundEnabled
- setBirdsEnabled
- setColorFilter
- setCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- setInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setNearClipDistance
- setPedsLODDistance
- setVehiclesLODDistance
- setWorldSoundEnabled
- testLineAgainstWater
- Shared
- areTrafficLightsLocked
- getAircraftMaxHeight
- getAircraftMaxVelocity
- getCloudsEnabled
- getFarClipDistance
- getFogDistance
- getGameSpeed
- getGravity
- getHeatHaze
- getInteriorSoundsEnabled
- getJetpackMaxHeight
- getMinuteDuration
- getMoonSize
- getOcclusionsEnabled
- getRainLevel
- getSunColor
- getSunSize
- getTime
- getTrafficLightState
- getWeather
- getWindVelocity
- getSkyGradient
- getPlayerBlurLevel
- getZoneName
- isGarageOpen
- removeWorldModel
- resetFarClipDistance
- resetFogDistance
- resetHeatHaze
- resetMoonSize
- resetRainLevel
- resetSkyGradient
- resetSunColor
- resetSunSize
- resetWindVelocity
- restoreAllWorldModels
- restoreWorldModel
- setAircraftMaxHeight
- setAircraftMaxVelocity
- setCloudsEnabled
- setFarClipDistance
- setFogDistance
- setGameSpeed
- setGarageOpen
- setGravity
- setHeatHaze
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setMinuteDuration
- setMoonSize
- setOcclusionsEnabled
- setRainLevel
- setSkyGradient
- setSunColor
- setSunSize
- setTime
- setTrafficLightState
- setTrafficLightsLocked
- setWeather
- setWeatherBlended
- setWindVelocity
- setJetpackMaxHeight
- setPlayerBlurLevel