Client-side function


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This function allows you to check if certain world sound effects have not been disabled by setWorldSoundEnabled


bool isWorldSoundEnabled( int group, [ int index = -1 ] )

Required Arguments


  • index : An integer representing an individual sound within the group


Returns true if the world sounds are enabled, false if they are disabled or invalid values were passed.


This is a simplified example that lets the client toggle their weapon sounds.

function toggleWeaponSounds_f ( )
    local enabled = isWorldSoundEnabled ( 5 ) -- We place this variable here for checking.
    enabled       = not enabled -- And here we invert (toggle) the variable, so if it's false, it becomes true, if it's true, it becomes false.
    -- Used for the chat declaration:
    local state   = "enabled"

    if ( not enabled ) then
        state = "disabled"

    setWorldSoundEnabled ( 5, enabled ) -- And here the toggling happens.
    outputChatBox ( "Weapon sounds " .. state )
addCommandHandler ( "toggleweaponsounds", toggleWeaponSounds_f )

See Also