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This function allows you to retrieve the world position corresponding to the 2D position on the screen, at a certain depth.
If you want to detect what element is at a particular point on the screen, use processLineOfSight between the camera position and the position returned from this function when passed a high depth value (100 or so, depending how far away you want to detect elements at).
- Note - setting 0 as a distance will cause the points retrived to be right ontop of the screen, so if used for drawing ideas on the screen - using distance 0 (or a very close value to 0, will result in the image being not visible).
float, float, float getWorldFromScreenPosition ( float x, float y, float depth )
Required Arguments
- x: A float value indicating the x position on the screen, in pixels.
- y: A float value indicating the y position on the screen, in pixels.
- depth: A float value indicating the distance from the camera of the point whose coordinates we are retrieving, in units.
Returns three x, y, z floats indicating the world position if successful, false otherwise.
This example binds the local player's "i" key to a function that creates an explosion in the middle of the screen.
function explosion () local w, h = guiGetScreenSize () local x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition ( w/2, h/2, 10 ) createExplosion ( x, y, z, 11 ) end bindKey ( "i", "down", explosion )
See Also
- createSWATRope
- getBirdsEnabled
- getCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- getGarageBoundingBox
- getGaragePosition
- getGarageSize
- getGroundPosition
- getInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- getNearClipDistance
- getPedsLODDistance
- getRoofPosition
- getScreenFromWorldPosition
- getVehiclesLODDistance
- getWorldFromScreenPosition
- isAmbientSoundEnabled
- isLineOfSightClear
- isWorldSoundEnabled
- processLineOfSight
- resetAmbientSounds
- resetBlurLevel
- resetColorFilter
- resetCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- resetNearClipDistance
- resetPedsLODDistance
- resetVehiclesLODDistance
- resetWorldSounds
- setAmbientSoundEnabled
- setBirdsEnabled
- setColorFilter
- setCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- setInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setNearClipDistance
- setPedsLODDistance
- setVehiclesLODDistance
- setWorldSoundEnabled
- testLineAgainstWater
- areTrafficLightsLocked
- getAircraftMaxHeight
- getAircraftMaxVelocity
- getCloudsEnabled
- getFarClipDistance
- getFogDistance
- getGameSpeed
- getGravity
- getHeatHaze
- getInteriorSoundsEnabled
- getJetpackMaxHeight
- getMinuteDuration
- getMoonSize
- getOcclusionsEnabled
- getRainLevel
- getSunColor
- getSunSize
- getTime
- getTrafficLightState
- getWeather
- getWindVelocity
- getSkyGradient
- getPlayerBlurLevel
- getZoneName
- isGarageOpen
- removeWorldModel
- resetFarClipDistance
- resetFogDistance
- resetHeatHaze
- resetMoonSize
- resetRainLevel
- resetSkyGradient
- resetSunColor
- resetSunSize
- resetWindVelocity
- restoreAllWorldModels
- restoreWorldModel
- setAircraftMaxHeight
- setAircraftMaxVelocity
- setCloudsEnabled
- setFarClipDistance
- setFogDistance
- setGameSpeed
- setGarageOpen
- setGravity
- setHeatHaze
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setMinuteDuration
- setMoonSize
- setOcclusionsEnabled
- setRainLevel
- setSkyGradient
- setSunColor
- setSunSize
- setTime
- setTrafficLightState
- setTrafficLightsLocked
- setWeather
- setWeatherBlended
- setWindVelocity
- setJetpackMaxHeight
- setPlayerBlurLevel