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Revision as of 13:02, 15 July 2024 by Nico834 (talk | contribs) (Add new arguments (animGroup & animID))
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This event is triggered when a player is killed or dies.


int totalAmmo, element killer, int killerWeapon, int bodypart, bool stealth
  • totalAmmo: an int representing the total ammo the victim had when they died.
  • killer: an element representing the player, ped, vehicle or object who was the killer. Deaths resulting from fall damage provide the vehicle or object landed on as the killer. If there is no killer this is false.
  • killerWeapon: an int representing the killer weapon or the damage type.
  • bodypart: an int representing the bodypart ID the victim was hit on when they died.
  • 3: Torso
  • 4: Ass
  • 5: Left Arm
  • 6: Right Arm
  • 7: Left Leg
  • 8: Right Leg
  • 9: Head
  • stealth: a boolean value representing whether or not this was a stealth kill.
  • animGroup: an integer representing the player's current animation group.
  • animID: an integer representing the player's current animation ID.


The source of this event is the player that died or got killed.


This example prints the killer and bodypart to the chat when a player dies.

-- register player_Wasted as a handler for onPlayerWasted
function player_Wasted ( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart )
	-- if there was an attacker
	if ( attacker ) then
		-- we declare our variable outside the following checks
		local tempString
		-- if the element that killed him was a player,
		if ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then
			-- put the attacker, victim and weapon info in the string
			tempString = getPlayerName ( attacker ).." killed "..getPlayerName ( source ).." ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..")"
		-- else, if it was a vehicle,
		elseif ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "vehicle" ) then
			-- we'll get the name from the attacker vehicle's driver
			tempString = getPlayerName ( getVehicleController ( attacker ) ).." killed "..getPlayerName ( source ).." ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..")"
		-- if the victim was shot in the head, append a special message
		if ( bodypart == 9 ) then
			tempString = tempString.." (HEADSHOT!)"
		-- else, just append the bodypart name
			tempString = tempString.." ("..getBodyPartName ( bodypart )..")"
		-- display the message
		outputChatBox ( tempString )
	-- if there was no attacker,
		-- output a death message without attacker info
		outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ).." died. ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..") ("..getBodyPartName ( bodypart )..")" )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, player_Wasted )

And another example, this will spawn you in the middle of GTA SA world (x=0, y=0, z=3) after 2 seconds of your death

addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root,
		setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 0, 0, 3 )

See Also

Player events

Event functions