Category:Client functions
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Articles in this category are related to client functions.
Pages in category "Client functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,752 total.
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- PT-BR/GetSFXStatus
- PT-BR/getSFXStatus
- PT-BR/getSoundBPM
- PT-BR/getSoundBufferLength
- PT-BR/getSoundEffectParameters
- PT-BR/getSoundEffects
- PT-BR/getSoundFFTData
- PT-BR/getSoundLength
- PT-BR/getSoundLevelData
- PT-BR/getSoundMaxDistance
- PT-BR/getSoundMetaTags
- PT-BR/getSoundMinDistance
- PT-BR/getSoundPan
- PT-BR/getSoundPosition
- PT-BR/getSoundProperties
- PT-BR/getSoundSpeed
- PT-BR/getSoundVolume
- PT-BR/getSoundWaveData
- PT-BR/isSoundLooped
- PT-BR/isSoundPanningEnabled
- PT-BR/isSoundPaused
- PT-BR/playSFX
- PT-BR/playSFX3D
- PT-BR/playSound
- PT-BR/playSound3D
- PT-BR/SetElementBonePosition
- PT-BR/setRadioChannel
- PT-BR/setSoundEffectEnabled
- PT-BR/setSoundEffectParameter
- PT-BR/setSoundLooped
- PT-BR/setSoundMaxDistance
- PT-BR/setSoundMinDistance
- PT-BR/svgCreate
- PT-BR/svgGetDocumentXML
- PT-BR/svgGetSize
- PT-BR/SvgGetUpdateCallback
- PT-BR/SvgSetDocumentXML
- PT-BR/svgSetSize
- PT-BR/SvgSetUpdateCallback
- Ref
- ReloadBrowserPage
- RemoveAllGameBuildings
- RemoveColPolygonPoint
- RemoveCommandHandler
- RemoveDebugHook
- RemoveEventHandler
- RemoveGameWorld
- RemovePedClothes
- RemovePedFromVehicle
- RemovePlayerClothes
- RemoveVehicleSirens
- RemoveVehicleUpgrade
- RemoveWorldModel
- RequestBrowserDomains
- ResetAmbientSounds
- ResetBlurLevel
- ResetColorFilter
- ResetCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- ResetDiscordRichPresenceData
- ResetFarClipDistance
- ResetFogDistance
- ResetHeatHaze
- ResetMoonSize
- ResetNearClipDistance
- ResetPedsLODDistance
- ResetPedVoice
- ResetPlayerHudComponentProperty
- ResetRainLevel
- ResetShakeCamera
- ResetSkyGradient
- ResetSunColor
- ResetSunSize
- ResetTimeFrozen
- ResetTimer
- ResetVehicleComponentPosition
- ResetVehicleComponentRotation
- ResetVehicleComponentScale
- ResetVehicleDummyPositions
- ResetVehiclesLODDistance
- ResetVolumetricShadows
- ResetWaterColor
- ResetWaterLevel
- ResetWeaponFiringRate
- ResetWindVelocity
- ResetWorldProperties
- ResetWorldProperty
- ResetWorldSounds
- ResizeBrowser
- RespawnObject
- RestoreAllGameBuildings
- RestoreAllWorldModels
- RestoreGameWorld
- RestoreWorldModel
- RO/addPedClothes
- RO/CanBrowserNavigateBack
- RO/canBrowserNavigateForward
- RO/createBlip
- RO/createBlipAttachedTo
- RO/CreateBrowser
- RO/CreatePed
- RO/createPed
- RO/executeBrowserJavascript
- RO/fadeCamera
- RO/focusBrowser
- RO/getBlipColor
- RO/getBlipIcon
- RO/getBlipOrdering
- RO/getBlipSize
- RO/getBlipVisibleDistance
- RO/getBrowserProperty
- RO/getBrowserSettings
- RO/getBrowserSource
- RO/getBrowserTitle
- RO/getBrowserURL
- RO/getCamera
- RO/getCameraClip
- RO/getCameraFieldOfView
- RO/getCameraGoggleEffect
- RO/getCameraInterior
- RO/getCameraMatrix
- RO/getCameraShakeLevel
- RO/getCameraTarget
- RO/getCameraViewMode
- RO/getPedAmmoInClip
- RO/getPedArmor
- RO/getPedClothes
- RO/getRadioChannel
- RO/getRadioChannelName
- RO/getSFXStatus
- RO/getSoundBPM
- RO/getSoundEffects
- RO/getSoundFFTData
- RO/getSoundLength
- RO/getSoundLevelData
- RO/getSoundMaxDistance
- RO/getSoundMetaTags
- RO/getSoundMinDistance
- RO/getSoundPan
- RO/getSoundPosition
- RO/getSoundProperties
- RO/getSoundSpeed
- RO/guiCreateBrowser
- RO/guiGetBrowser
- RO/injectBrowserMouseDown
- RO/injectBrowserMouseMove
- RO/injectBrowserMouseUp
- RO/injectBrowserMouseWheel
- RO/isBrowserDomainBlocked
- RO/isBrowserFocused
- RO/isBrowserLoading
- RO/loadBrowserURL
- RO/navigateBrowserBack
- RO/navigateBrowserForward
- RO/playSound
- RO/reloadBrowserPage
- RO/requestBrowserDomains
- RO/resizeBrowser
- RO/setBlipColor
- RO/setBlipIcon
- RO/setBlipOrdering
- RO/setBlipSize
- RO/setBlipVisibleDistance
- RO/setBrowserAjaxHandler
- RO/setBrowserProperty
- RO/setBrowserRenderingPaused
- RO/setBrowserVolume
- RO/setCameraClip
- RO/setCameraFieldOfView
- RO/setCameraGoggleEffect
- RO/setCameraInterior
- RO/setCameraMatrix
- RO/setCameraShakeLevel
- RO/setCameraTarget
- RO/setCameraViewMode
- RO/SetRadioChannel
- RO/setSoundEffectEnabled
- RO/SetSoundPaused
- RO/setSoundPosition
- RO/setSoundProperties
- RO/setSoundSpeed
- RO/setSoundVolume
- RO/stopSound
- RO/toggleBrowserDevTools
- RotateCameraRight
- RotateCameraUp
- Talk:RU/CreateFire
- RU/createWeapon
- RU/getHelicopterRotorSpeed
- RU/GetPedBonePosition
- RU/GivePlayerMoney
- RU/guiCreateLabel
- RU/guiCreateWindow