Client-side function
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This function gets physical properties group id used by given model.
int engineGetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup ( int modelID )
Required Arguments
- modelID: the id of model which you wish to get physical properties group of.
Returns id of physical properties group that requested model uses, in range of 0-159, if the object doesn't have a group assigned, -1 is returned. If passed arguments were wrong, error is triggered.
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Check if object model is dynamicfunction checkDynamicID(player, modelID) modelID = tonumber(modelID) local isDynamicModel = engineGetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup(modelID) ~= -1 outputChatBox("Model ID " .. modelID .. " is ".. (isDynamicModel and "dynamic" or "static") .. ".", player) end addCommandHandler("checkdyn", checkDynamicID)
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Obtain a model's physical properties groupfunction checkID(player, id) id = tonumber(id) local group = engineGetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup(id) outputChatBox("Model ID " .. id .. "'s group is: " .. tostring(group)) end addCommandHandler("checkID", checkID)
See Also
- engineAddImage
- engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture
- engineFreeModel
- engineGetModelFlags
- engineGetModelIDFromName
- engineGetModelLODDistance
- engineGetModelNameFromID
- engineGetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineGetModelTextureNames
- engineGetModelTextures
- engineGetModelTXDID
- engineGetModelVisibleTime
- engineGetObjectGroupPhysicalProperty
- engineGetSurfaceProperties
- engineGetVisibleTextureNames
- engineImageGetFilesCount
- engineImageGetFiles
- engineImageGetFile
- engineImageLinkDFF
- engineImageLinkTXD
- engineImportTXD
- engineLoadCOL
- engineLoadDFF
- engineLoadIMG
- engineLoadIFP
- engineLoadTXD
- engineRemoveImage
- engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture
- engineReplaceAnimation
- engineReplaceCOL
- engineReplaceModel
- engineRequestModel
- engineResetModelFlags
- engineResetModelLODDistance
- engineResetSurfaceProperties
- engineRestoreAnimation
- engineRestoreCOL
- engineRestoreDFFImage
- engineRestoreModel
- engineRestoreModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineRestoreObjectGroupPhysicalProperties
- engineRestoreTXDImage
- engineRestreamWorld
- engineSetAsynchronousLoading
- engineSetModelFlag
- engineSetModelFlags
- engineSetModelLODDistance
- engineSetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineSetModelVisibleTime
- engineSetObjectGroupPhysicalProperty
- engineSetSurfaceProperties
- engineStreamingFreeUpMemory
- engineStreamingGetUsedMemory