Client-side function


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This function replaces the collision file of the given model id to the collision file passed. Use engineLoadCOL to load the collision file first.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note:
  • Follow loading order (COL -> TXD -> DFF) which is used in the example - as other orders can cause collisions, textures or the DFF not to load due to technical limitations.
  • Collision libraries (.col files containing multiple collision models) are not supported. See COL for details. Object models are supported only (no vehicles or players).


bool engineReplaceCOL ( col theCol, int modelID )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: col:replace(...)

Required Arguments

  • theCol: The collision file to replace with
  • modelID: The model ID whose collision file you want to replace


Returns true if the collision was successfully replaced, false or nil if the collision could not be replaced for a reason.


See unified example available in engineReplaceModel.

See Also