Client-side function


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This function returns a table of the world textures which are applied to the specified model.


table engineGetModelTextureNames([string modelId = ""])

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: Engine.getModelTextureNames(...)

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.

  • modelId : You can either use the model id or the model name.


Returns a table if this function succeeds, false if it fails for some reason.


This example will output the texture names applied to the Comet.

for _,name in ipairs( engineGetModelTextureNames( "480" ) ) do
    outputConsole( name )

The model name can also be used.

for _,name in ipairs( engineGetModelTextureNames( "Comet" ) ) do
    outputConsole( name )

See Also