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This function resets a surface property to its default value. If no ID is provided, it will reset all surfaces' properties to their original values.


mixed engineResetSurfaceProperties ( [ int surfaceID ] )

Required Arguments


Returns true if the function executed succesfully, false otherwise.


Materials, surfaces properties

Property Accepted values Effect Picture
glass true, false Unknown -
stairs true, false Unknown -
stepwatersplash true, false Water effect on step -
softlanding true, false Probably makes landing cause less damage -
steepslope true, false Makes climbing up impossible -
footeffect true, false Create footprints on the surface -
seethrough true, false Connected with processLineOfSight function -
shootthrough true, false Same as seethrough, but toggles ability to shoot through surfaces, objects.
Some fences have this ability.
audio "concrete", "grass", "sand", "gravel", "wood",
"water", "metal"
Noise when walking -
bulleteffect "metal", "concrete", "sand", "wood", "disabled" Effect when hit by a bullet -
tyregrip 0–255 Change tyre grip -
wetgrip 0–255 Change tyre grip when raining -
canclimb true, false Whether can be grabbed/climbed over -
adhesiongroup "rubber", "hard", "road", "loose", "sand", "wet" Change tyre grip between various surfaces.
If both surfaces (vehicle tyre and ground) are set to rubber,
makes vehicle rarely create skid marks and vehicle won't slip.
roughness 0–3 Unknown -
fractioneffect 0–7 Unknown, probably makes wheels vibrate on rail track -
wheeleffect "grass", "gravel", "mud", "sand", "dust",
Particle effect while driving -
skidmarktype "asphalt", "dirt", "dust", "disabled" Skid mark type -


This will reset any Surface Properties for id: 5

local surfaceID = 5 -- the material ID to reset properties
local success = engineResetSurfaceProperties(surfaceID)

if success then
    outputChatBox("Surface properties reset successfully.")
    outputChatBox("Invalid surface ID or error occurred.")

See Also