Client-side function


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This function loads a RenderWare Collision (COL 1/2/3) file into GTA. The collisions can then be used to provide collisions for in-game objects.

For vehicles, please omit this function by embedding your COL file into your DFF file. This way, you can be sure that the COL file is correctly (and automatically) loaded when calling engineLoadDFF.

This is a client side function. Be sure to transfer your COL file by including it in the meta file.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note:
  • Follow loading order (COL -> TXD -> DFF) which is used in the example - as other orders can cause collisions, textures or the DFF not to load due to technical limitations.
  • Collision libraries (.col files containing multiple collision models) are not supported. See COL for details. Or you can try engineGetCOLsFromLibrary, if you'd like.


col engineLoadCOL ( string col_file / string raw_data ) 

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: EngineCOL(...)

Required Arguments

  • col_file / raw_data: The filepath to the COL file you want to load or whole data buffer of the COL file.


Returns a COL if the file was loaded, false otherwise.


See unified example available in engineReplaceModel.


Version Description
1.4.1-9.07088 Added option to use raw data instead of a file name

See Also