Client-side function


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This function restores internal (default) animations that were replaced using engineReplaceAnimation function. This function only affects a specific player or ped just like engineReplaceAnimation.

If only 1st parameter (ped) is provided to this function, all replaced animations are restored. If block name is also provided for 2nd parameter, then replaced animations within that block are restored. If 3rd parameter (animation name) is provided, then only that specific animation within that specific block is restored.


bool engineRestoreAnimation ( ped thePed [, string InternalBlockName, string InternalAnimName ] )

Required Arguments

  • thePed: the player or ped you want to restore an animation(s) for.

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.


Returns true on success, false in case of failure.


Example 1: This example restores all replaced animations within every block for the local player.

Click to collapse [-]
engineRestoreAnimation ( localPlayer )

Example 2: This example restores all replaced animations only within "ped" block for the local player.

Click to collapse [-]
engineRestoreAnimation ( localPlayer, "ped" )

Example 3: This example restores "weapon_crouch" animation within "ped" block for the local player.

Click to collapse [-]
engineRestoreAnimation ( localPLayer, "ped", "weapon_crouch" )

See Also