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This function replaces the given model ID with the model contained in a DFF file loaded by engineLoadDFF. This function supports vehicles, objects, peds and players but not CJ clothing and body parts.
To replace weapon models you must use their object IDs, not weapon IDs. There is a weapon model list available at weapons.
bool engineReplaceModel ( dff theModel, int modelID [, bool alphaTransparency = false ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: dff:replace(...)
Required Arguments
- theModel: The model to replace the given model ID with
- modelID: The model it to replace the model of
Optional Arguments
- alphaTransparency: Set to true if model uses semi-transparent textures, e.g. windows. This will ensure other objects behind the semi-transparent textures are rendered correctly. (Can slightly impact performance, so only set when required)
Returns true if the model was successfully replaced, false if it failed for some reason, ie. the DFF or the model ID is not valid.
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ClientThis example allows you to replace single or many models (with ability to toggle TXD filtering/DFF alpha transparency).
function onClientResourceStartReplaceModels() local modelsToReplace = { { -- replace object colFile = "object.col", txdFile = "object.txd", dffFile = "object.dff", modelID = 1337, alphaTransparency = false, filteringEnabled = true, }, { -- replace vehicle colFile = false, -- if .col is not present set to false/nil txdFile = "vehicle.txd", dffFile = "vehicle.dff", modelID = 434, alphaTransparency = false, filteringEnabled = true, }, } for assetID = 1, #modelsToReplace do local modelData = modelsToReplace[assetID] local modelCol = modelData.colFile local modelTxd = modelData.txdFile local modelDff = modelData.dffFile local modelID = modelData.modelID if modelCol then local colData = engineLoadCOL(modelCol) if colData then engineReplaceCOL(colData, modelID) end end if modelTxd then local filteringEnabled = modelData.filteringEnabled local txdData = engineLoadTXD(modelTxd, filteringEnabled) if txdData then engineImportTXD(txdData, modelID) end end if modelDff then local dffData = engineLoadDFF(modelDff) if dffData then local alphaTransparency = modelData.alphaTransparency engineReplaceModel(dffData, modelID, alphaTransparency) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onClientResourceStartReplaceModels)
See Also
- engineAddImage
- engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture
- engineFreeModel
- engineGetModelFlags
- engineGetModelIDFromName
- engineGetModelLODDistance
- engineGetModelNameFromID
- engineGetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineGetModelTextureNames
- engineGetModelTextures
- engineGetModelTXDID
- engineGetModelVisibleTime
- engineGetObjectGroupPhysicalProperty
- engineGetSurfaceProperties
- engineGetVisibleTextureNames
- engineImageGetFilesCount
- engineImageGetFiles
- engineImageGetFile
- engineImageLinkDFF
- engineImageLinkTXD
- engineImportTXD
- engineLoadCOL
- engineLoadDFF
- engineLoadIMG
- engineLoadIFP
- engineLoadTXD
- engineRemoveImage
- engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture
- engineReplaceAnimation
- engineReplaceCOL
- engineReplaceModel
- engineRequestModel
- engineResetModelFlags
- engineResetModelLODDistance
- engineResetSurfaceProperties
- engineRestoreAnimation
- engineRestoreCOL
- engineRestoreDFFImage
- engineRestoreModel
- engineRestoreModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineRestoreObjectGroupPhysicalProperties
- engineRestoreTXDImage
- engineRestreamWorld
- engineSetAsynchronousLoading
- engineSetModelFlag
- engineSetModelFlags
- engineSetModelLODDistance
- engineSetModelPhysicalPropertiesGroup
- engineSetModelVisibleTime
- engineSetObjectGroupPhysicalProperty
- engineSetSurfaceProperties
- engineStreamingFreeUpMemory
- engineStreamingGetUsedMemory