
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
Revision as of 09:48, 30 June 2020 by Vinyard (talk | contribs) (Switched the outputChatBox message in the example so that it now correctly displays whether the player is (not) reloading a weapon.)
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This function is used to determine whether or not a ped is currently reloading their weapon. Useful to stop certain quick reload exploits.


bool isPedReloadingWeapon ( ped thePed )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: ped:isReloadingWeapon(...)
Variable: .reloadingWeapon

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped you are checking.


Returns true if the ped is currently reloading a weapon, false otherwise.


This example checks if the player who enters the /amireloading command is reloading and outputs a message.

function isHeReloading( )
    if isPedReloadingWeapon( localPlayer ) then
        outputChatBox( "You are reloading a weapon" )
        outputChatBox( "No, you're not reloading a weapon" )
addCommandHandler( "amireloading", isHeReloading )

See Also