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This function is used to force a ped to use a gun.


bool makePedUseGun ( ped thePed, int useType, element target )

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped you wish to force the use of a gun upon.
  • useType: How the weapon should be used, will accept the following values:
    • 0: Do nothing
    • 1: Aim weapon
    • 2: Fire
    • 3: Burst-fire
    • 4: Reload
    • 5: Pistolwhip (Weapon melee)
    • 6: Cancel use
    • 7: Cancel use immediately
  • target: An element referring to the target that the ped will use its weapon against.


Returns true if the command was successful, false otherwise.


This Example creates a ped and target ped to map, and ped gonna kill target ped

function createPed ()
  ped = createPed ( 87, 0, 0, 5 ) -- Create our ped..
  givePlayerWeapon ( ped, 31, 200 ) -- guve our ped weapon
  pedtarget = createPed ( 88, 0, 3, 5 ) -- Create our target ped..
  makePedUseGun ( ped, 2, pedtarget ) -- and make ped to kill pedTarget
end -- end function createPed
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createPed ) -- attach event to function createped

See Also