Client-side function
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Tip: If you want to attach an element to a bone, see attachElementToBone. |
bool setElementBoneQuaternion(element ped, int bone, float x, float y, float z, float w)
Required Arguments
- ped: The element (ped or player) on which the bone's rotation will be set.
- bone: The ID of the bone to set the quaternion of.
- The bone ID corresponds to specific body parts like arms, legs, spine, head, etc.
- The full list of bones is available in the Bone IDs reference.
- x: The quaternion's coefficient of the 𝑖 component.
- This represents the rotation around the x-axis and is the first imaginary part of the quaternion.
- y: The quaternion's coefficient of the 𝑗 component.
- This represents the rotation around the y-axis and is the second imaginary part of the quaternion.
- z: The quaternion's coefficient of the 𝑘 component.
- This represents the rotation around the z-axis and is the third imaginary part of the quaternion.
- w: The real part of the quaternion.
- This denotes the scalar component of the quaternion, which is linked to the angle of rotation.
- The w value is derived by taking the cosine of half of the rotation angle, defined as the overall angle of rotation.
Returns true if the set was successful, otherwise returns an error message and returns false.
This example rotates the player's pelvis 180 degrees around an arbitrary axis.
The use of updateElementRpHAnim is necessary here as it applies the rotation.
local playerBone = 1 local playerBoneX, playerBoneY, playerBoneZ = 0.577, 0.577, 0.577 local playerBoneW = 0 addEventHandler("onClientPedsProcessed", root, function() setElementBoneQuaternion(localPlayer, playerBone, playerBoneX, playerBoneY, playerBoneZ, playerBoneW) updateElementRpHAnim(localPlayer) end )
See Also
- getElementBoneMatrix
- getElementBonePosition
- getElementBoneRotation
- getElementBoundingBox
- getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel
- getElementLighting
- getElementRadius
- isElementCollidableWith
- isElementLocal
- isElementOnScreen
- isElementStreamable
- isElementStreamedIn
- isElementSyncer
- isElementWaitingForGroundToLoad
- setElementBoneMatrix
- setElementBonePosition
- setElementBoneRotation
- setElementCollidableWith
- setElementStreamable
- updateElementRpHAnim
- Shared
- attachElements
- createElement
- destroyElement
- detachElements
- getAttachedElements
- getElementAlpha
- getElementAttachedOffsets
- getElementAttachedTo
- getElementByIndex
- getElementByID
- getElementChild
- getElementChildren
- getElementChildrenCount
- getElementCollisionsEnabled
- getElementColShape
- getElementData
- getAllElementData
- hasElementData
- getElementDimension
- getElementHealth
- getElementID
- getElementInterior
- getElementMatrix
- getElementModel
- getElementParent
- getElementPosition
- getElementRotation
- getElementsByType
- getElementsWithinColShape
- getElementsWithinRange
- getElementType
- getElementVelocity
- getLowLODElement
- getRootElement
- isElement
- isElementAttached
- isElementCallPropagationEnabled
- isElementDoubleSided
- isElementFrozen
- isElementInWater
- isElementLowLOD
- isElementWithinColShape
- isElementWithinMarker
- setElementAlpha
- setElementAngularVelocity
- getElementAngularVelocity
- setElementAttachedOffsets
- setElementCallPropagationEnabled
- setElementCollisionsEnabled
- setElementData
- setElementDimension
- setElementDoubleSided
- setElementFrozen
- setElementHealth
- setElementID
- setElementInterior
- setElementModel
- setElementParent
- setElementPosition
- setElementRotation
- setElementVelocity
- setLowLODElement
- getPedContactElement
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceRootElement