Client-side function


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This function changes the state of the helicopter blades collisions on the specified vehicle.


bool setHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled ( vehicle theVehicle, bool collisions )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: vehicle:setHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled(...)
Variable: .heliBladeCollisionsEnabled
Counterpart: getHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The helicopter that will have the blades collisions set.
  • collisions: The state of the helicopter blades collisions.


Returns true if the collisions are set for the specified vehicle, false if the collisions can't be set for the specified vehicle, if the vehicle is not a helicopter or if invalid arguments are specified.


Click to collapse [-]

This example disables blades collisions when a player enters a helicopter as a driver.

function onVehicleEnter ( thePlayer, seat, jacked )
	--If the player entered a helicopter
	if ( getVehicleType ( source ) == "Helicopter" ) then
		--If the player entered as a driver
		if ( seat == 0 ) then
			-- Turn off collisions
			setHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled ( source, false )
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, onVehicleEnter )

See Also