Category:Server functions
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Articles in this category are related to server functions.
Pages in category "Server functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,297 total.
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- PasswordHash
- PasswordVerify
- PathIsDirectory
- PathIsFile
- PathListDir
- PL/addAccount
- PL/addPedClothes
- PL/copyAccountData
- PL/createBlip
- PL/createBlipAttachedTo
- PL/createMarker
- PL/createPed
- PL/createPickup
- PL/createVehicle
- PL/DbConnect
- PL/DbExec
- PL/DbQuery
- PL/DestroyElement
- PL/detonateSatchels
- PL/getAccount
- PL/getAccountData
- PL/getAccountName
- PL/getAccountPlayer
- PL/getAccountsBySerial
- PL/getBodyPartName
- PL/getClothesByTypeIndex
- Pl/GetClothesTypeName
- PL/getClothesTypeName
- PL/getDevelopmentMode
- PL/getElementsByType
- PL/getFPSLimit
- PL/GetMarkerType
- PL/getMarkerType
- PL/getPedClothes
- PL/getPlayerPing
- PL/GetPlayerSerial
- PL/getRandomPlayer
- PL/getServerName
- PL/getTypeIndexFromClothes
- PL/getValidPedModels
- PL/getVehicleModelFromName
- PL/getVehiclePaintjob
- PL/givePlayerMoney
- PL/giveWeapon
- PL/IsElementFrozen
- PL/kickPlayer
- PL/outputChatBox
- PL/removePedClothes
- PL/resetHeatHaze
- PL/setElementFrozen
- PL/setFPSLimit
- PL/SetPedArmor
- PL/setVehicleColor
- PL/spawnPlayer
- PL/takeAllWeapons
- PL/takeWeapon
- PlaySoundFrontEnd
- PregFind
- PregMatch
- PregReplace
- PreloadMissionAudio
- PT-BR/forcePlayerMap
- PT-BR/giveWeapon
- PT-BR/hasObjectPermissionTo
- PT-BR/RedirectPlayer
- RandFloat
- RandInt
- RedirectPlayer
- Ref
- RefreshResources
- ReloadBans
- ReloadPedWeapon
- RemoveAccount
- RemoveBan
- RemoveColPolygonPoint
- RemoveCommandHandler
- RemoveDebugHook
- RemoveElementData
- RemoveElementDataSubscriber
- RemoveEventHandler
- RemovePedClothes
- RemovePedFromVehicle
- RemovePedJetPack
- RemovePlayerClothes
- RemovePlayerFromTeam
- RemovePlayerFromVehicle
- RemovePlayerJetPack
- RemoveResourceDefaultSetting
- RemoveResourceFile
- RemoveRuleValue
- RemoveVehicleSirens
- RemoveVehicleUpgrade
- RemoveWorldModel
- RenameResource
- ResendPlayerACInfo
- ResendPlayerModInfo
- ResetFarClipDistance
- ResetFogDistance
- ResetHeatHaze
- ResetMapInfo
- ResetMoonSize
- ResetRainLevel
- ResetSkyGradient
- ResetSunColor
- ResetSunSize
- ResetTimer
- ResetVehicleExplosionTime
- ResetVehicleIdleTime
- ResetWaterColor
- ResetWaterLevel
- ResetWindVelocity
- ResetWorldProperties
- RespawnObject
- RespawnVehicle
- RestartResource
- RestoreAllWorldModels
- RestoreWorldModel
- RO/addPedClothes
- RO/createBlip
- RO/createBlipAttachedTo
- RO/CreatePed
- RO/createPed
- RO/fadeCamera
- RO/getBlipColor
- RO/getBlipIcon
- RO/getBlipOrdering
- RO/getBlipSize
- RO/getBlipVisibleDistance
- RO/getCameraInterior
- RO/getCameraMatrix
- RO/getCameraTarget
- RO/getPedAmmoInClip
- RO/getPedArmor
- RO/getPedClothes
- RO/killPed
- RO/setBlipColor
- RO/setBlipIcon
- RO/setBlipOrdering
- RO/setBlipSize
- RO/setBlipVisibleDistance
- RO/setCameraInterior
- RO/setCameraMatrix
- RO/setCameraTarget
- RU/ExecuteSQLQuery
- RU/executeSQLQuery
- RU/GivePlayerMoney
- SaveMapData
- Set
- SetAccountData
- SetAccountName
- SetAccountPassword
- SetAircraftMaxHeight
- SetAircraftMaxVelocity
- SetBanAdmin
- SetBanNick
- SetBanReason
- SetBlipColor
- SetBlipIcon
- SetBlipOrdering
- SetBlipSize
- SetBlipVisibleDistance
- SetCameraInterior
- SetCameraLookAt
- SetCameraMatrix
- SetCameraMode
- SetCameraPosition
- SetCameraTarget
- SetClientName
- SetCloudsEnabled
- SetColPolygonHeight
- SetColPolygonPointPosition
- SetColShapeRadius
- SetColShapeSize
- SetControlState
- SetDevelopmentMode
- SetElementAlpha
- SetElementAngularVelocity
- SetElementAttachedOffsets
- SetElementCallPropagationEnabled
- SetElementCollisionsEnabled
- SetElementData
- SetElementDimension
- SetElementDoubleSided
- SetElementFrozen
- SetElementHealth
- SetElementID
- SetElementInterior
- SetElementMatrix
- SetElementModel
- SetElementParent
- SetElementPosition
- SetElementRotation
- SetElementSyncer
- SetElementVelocity
- SetElementVisibleTo
- SetFarClipDistance
- SetFogDistance
- SetFPSLimit
- SetGameSpeed
- SetGameType