Shared function


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This function will set the color of a vehicle using either a RGB format, or the standard San Andreas color IDs. Vehicles can have up to 3 colors, most of the vehicles have 2 colors only.


bool setVehicleColor(vehicle veh, int r1, int g1, int b1, [int r2, int g2, int b2, int r3, int g3, int b3, int r4, int g4, int b4])            
bool setVehicleColor(vehicle veh, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4)            

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Method: vehicle:setColor(...)

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The vehicle that you wish to set the color of.
  • RGB format:
    • r1, g1, b1: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the first (main) color for the vehicle
  • Palette format:
    • p1, p2, p3, p4: Exactly four integers indicating the vehicle color IDs from the palette.
      If a vehicle has fewer than four colours, you must still provide four colours, otherwise the RGB format will be used.

Optional Arguments (RGB format only)

  • r2, g2, b2: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the second color for the vehicle
  • r3, g3, b3: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the third color for the vehicle
  • r4, g4, b4: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the fourth color for the vehicle


Returns true if vehicle's color was set, false if an invalid vehicle or invalid colors were specified.


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Example 1 - RGB format

This example implements a serverside random_color console command.

addCommandHandler( 'random_color',
	function( uPlayer )
		if isPedInVehicle( uPlayer ) then
			local uVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( uPlayer )
			if uVehicle then
				local r, g, b = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 )
				setVehicleColor( uVehicle, r, g, b )

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Example 2 - palette format

This example implements a serverside command for the player to spawn a red and white Banshee, using the palette colors.

addCommandHandler("banshee", function(player)
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
    local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(player)
    local vehicle = createVehicle(429, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, rz, "PALETTE")
    setVehicleColor(vehicle, 3, 1, 0, 0)-- A red and white Banshee!
    addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, 1010)
    warpPedIntoVehicle(player, vehicle, 0)
    outputChatBox("You have spawned a red and white Banshee! I also added NOS for you!", source, 50, 168, 82)

See Also