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- AR/Client Scripting Functions
- AR/Math
- AR/Other
- AR/Resource:DGS
- AR/Server Scripting Events
- AR/Server Scripting Functions
- AR/String
- AR/Table
- AR/aclCreate
- AR/aclCreateGroup
- AR/aclDestroy
- AR/aclDestroyGroup
- AR/aclGet
- AR/aclGetGroup
- AR/aclGetName
- AR/aclGetRight
- AR/aclGroupAddACL
- AR/aclGroupAddObject
- AR/aclGroupList
- AR/addAccount
- AR/addBan
- AR/addCommandHandler
- AR/addPedClothes
- AR/banPlayer
- AR/canBrowserNavigateBack
- AR/canBrowserNavigateForward
- AR/copyAccountData
- AR/createBlip
- AR/createBlipAttachedTo
- AR/createBrowser
- AR/createColCircle
- AR/createColCuboid
- AR/createColRectangle
- AR/createExplosion
- AR/createMarker
- AR/createObject
- AR/executeBrowserJavascript
- AR/fadeCamera
- AR/focusBrowser
- AR/getAccount
- AR/getAccountData
- AR/getAccountName
- AR/getAccountPlayer
- AR/getAccounts
- AR/getAllAccountData
- AR/getBanAdmin
- AR/getBanIP
- AR/getBanNick
- AR/getBanReason
- AR/getBanSerial
- AR/getBanTime
- AR/getBanUsername
- AR/getBans
- AR/getBlipColor
- AR/getBlipIcon
- AR/getBlipSize
- AR/getBlipVisibleDistance
- AR/getBrowserProperty
- AR/getBrowserSettings
- AR/getCamera
- AR/getCameraInterior
- AR/getCursorAlpha
- AR/getElementAlpha
- AR/getElementColShape
- AR/getElementData
- AR/getElementHealth
- AR/getElementInterior
- AR/getElementsWithinColShape
- AR/getMarkerColor
- AR/getMarkerSize
- AR/getPlayerAccount
- AR/getPlayerCount
- AR/getPlayerFromName
- AR/getPlayerMoney
- AR/getPlayerName
- AR/getPlayerNametagColor
- AR/getPlayerPing
- AR/getPlayerSerial
- AR/getPlayerTeam
- AR/getPlayerWantedLevel
- AR/getRadioChannel
- AR/getRadioChannelName
- AR/getRandomPlayer
- AR/getSFXStatus
- AR/getSoundBPM
- AR/getSoundBufferLength
- AR/getSoundEffects
- AR/getSoundFFTData
- AR/getSoundLength
- AR/getSoundLevelData
- AR/getSoundMaxDistance
- AR/getSoundMetaTags
- AR/getSoundMinDistance
- AR/getSoundPan
- AR/getSoundPosition
- AR/getSoundProperties
- AR/getSoundSpeed
- AR/getSoundVolume
- AR/getSoundWaveData
- AR/getUnbanTime
- AR/givePlayerMoney
- AR/guiSetText
- AR/isChatVisible
- AR/isCursorShowing
- AR/isElement
- AR/isElementFrozen
- AR/isElementInWater
- AR/isElementWithinColShape
- AR/isElementWithinMarker
- AR/isGuestAccount
- AR/isObjectInACLGroup
- AR/isPedOnFire
- AR/isSoundPanningEnabled
- AR/isSoundPaused
- AR/kickPlayer
- AR/logIn
- AR/logOut
- AR/onConsole
- AR/outputChatBox
- AR/playSound
- AR/playSound3D
- AR/playSoundFrontEnd
- AR/reloadBans
- AR/removeAccount
- AR/removeBan
- AR/removeElementData
- AR/removePedClothes
- AR/setAccountData
- AR/setAccountPassword
- AR/setBlipColor
- AR/setBlipIcon
- AR/setBlipSize
- AR/setBlipVisibleDistance
- AR/setCursorAlpha
- AR/setElementAlpha
- AR/setElementData
- AR/setElementFrozen
- AR/setElementHealth
- AR/setElementPosition
- AR/setMarkerColor
- AR/setMarkerSize
- AR/setMarkerTarget
- AR/setPlayerMoney
- AR/setPlayerNametagShowing
- AR/setPlayerTeam
- AR/setPlayerWantedLevel
- AR/setRadioChannel
- AR/setSoundEffectEnabled
- AR/setSoundMaxDistance
- AR/setSoundMinDistance
- AR/setSoundPaused
- AR/setSoundPosition
- AR/setSoundProperties
- AR/setSoundSpeed
- AR/setSoundVolume
- AR/showChat
- AR/showCursor
- AR/stopSound
- AR/table.flip
- AR/takePlayerMoney
- AR/toggleBrowserDevTools
- AR/الباند
- AR/الصفحه الرئيسيه
- AR/دليل اللاعب
- AR/كيف يمكنك المساعدة
- AR/مقدمه في البرمجه
- AR/وظائف مفيدة
- AT/Animationen
- AT/CJ Kleider
- AT/Charakterskins
- AT/Clientseitige Funktionen
- AT/Fahrzeug IDs
- AT/Fahrzeug Upgrades
- AT/Fahrzeug Varianten
- AT/Fahrzeugfarben
- AT/Garage
- AT/Hauptseite
- AT/Id
- AT/Interior IDs
- AT/MTA DM Client Anleitung
- AT/MTA Scripting Grundlagen
- AT/Meta.xml
- AT/Nützliche Funktionen
- AT/Projektile
- AT/Radarsymbole
- AT/Resource:Editor
- AT/Server Anleitung
- AT/Sounds
- AT/Todesgründe
- AT/Waffen
- AT/Wetter
- AbortRemoteRequest
- Access Control List
- Account
- Account PHP
- Acesso web via recursos
- Acl
- AclCreate
- AclCreateGroup
- AclDestroy
- AclDestroyGroup
- AclGet
- AclGetGroup
- AclGetName
- AclGetRight
- AclGroup
- AclGroupAddACL
- AclGroupAddObject
- AclGroupClone
- AclGroupGetName
- AclGroupList
- AclGroupListACL
- AclGroupListObjects
- AclGroupRemoveACL
- AclGroupRemoveObject
- AclList
- AclListRights
- AclObjectGetGroups
- AclReload
- AclRemoveRight
- AclSave
- AclSetRight
- AddAccount
- AddBan
- AddColPolygonPoint
- AddCommandHandler
- AddDebugHook
- AddElementDataSubscriber
- AddEvent
- AddEventHandler
- AddPedClothes
- AddPlayerClothes
- AddResourceConfig
- AddResourceMap
- AddTableChangeHandler
- AddVehicleSirens
- AddVehicleUpgrade
- Advanced Topics
- All Skins Page
- Ammunation
- Animate
- Animation Groups
- Animations
- Anti-cheat guide
- Archive
- AreTrafficLightsLocked
- AreVehicleLightsOn
- AssignLod
- AttachEffect
- AttachElementToBone
- AttachElementToElement
- AttachElements
- AttachElementsOffsets
- AttachTrailerToVehicle
- Authorized Serial Account Protection
- AutoAttach
- Ban
- BanPlayer
- BanSerial
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Beta Features
- BindControlKeys
- BindKey
- BitAnd
- BitArShift
- BitExtract
- BitLRotate
- BitLShift
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitRRotate
- BitRShift
- BitReplace
- BitTest
- BitXor
- BlendPedAnimation
- BlowVehicle
- Blue
- Bone IDs
- Boolean
- Branches
- BreakObject
- Broken/PL/Instrukcja obs\xb3ugi klienta
- Broken/PL/Kolory Pojazd\xf3w
- Building MTASA Server on GNU Linux
- Building MTASA Server on macOS
- Byte2human
- CAccountPassword
- CAdditionalVertexStreamManager
- CEF Tutorial
- CJ Clothes
- CJ Clothes\Extra (17)
- CJ Clothes\Glasses (15)
- CJ Clothes\Hats (16)
- CJ Clothes\Head (1)
- CJ Clothes\Necklace (13)
- CJ Clothes\Shirt (0)
- CJ Clothes\Shoes (3)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Back (8)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Left Chest (9)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Left Lower Arm (5)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Left Upper Arm (4)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Lower Back (12)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Right Chest (10)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Right Lower Arm (7)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Right Upper Arm (6)
- CJ Clothes\Tattoos: Stomach (11)
- CJ Clothes\Trousers (2)
- CJ Clothes\Watches (14)
- CS/Client Manual
- CS/Meta.xml
- CS/hlavni
- CS/outputChatBox
- CSharp SDK
- CThread
- CURL Errors
- CWebBrowser
- Call
- CallClientFunction
- CallRemote
- CallServerFunction
- Camera class
- CanBrowserNavigateBack
- CanBrowserNavigateForward
- CanPedBeKnockedOffBike
- CanPlayerBeKnockedOffBike
- CanPlayerUseFunction
- CancelEvent
- CancelLatentEvent
- Capitalize
- Car-Killers
- CenterWindow
- Cetegory:Conceitos de Scripting
- ChangeGridListItemToPlayersName
- Changes in 1.0
- Changes in 1.1
- Changes in 1.2
- Changes in 1.3
- Changes in 1.3.1
- Changes in 1.3.2
- Changes in 1.3.3
- Changes in 1.3.4
- Changes in 1.3.5