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This function applies a shader to one or more world textures.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Tip:
  • The resource shader_tex_names can help in finding the names of world textures.
  • When replacing the texture for a ped using the CJ skin, set textureName to "CJ"
  • The shader inherits the render states of the original when it is drawn, so texture stage 0 will already be set to the original texture.
  • When using with a 'ped', ensure you have set 'ped' or 'all' in the elementTypes when calling dxCreateShader
  • CJ body parts textures can be replaced by using: "cj_ped_head", "cj_ped_hat", "cj_ped_torso", "cj_ped_legs", "cj_ped_feet", "cj_ped_glasses", "cj_ped_necklace", "cj_ped_watch" and "cj_ped_extra1". Latest version of shader_tex_names will show what is being used.


bool engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( element shader, string textureName [, element targetElement = nil, bool appendLayers = true ] )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: shader:applyToWorldTexture(...)

Required Arguments

  • shader: The shader which is to be applied
  • textureName: The name of the world texture to apply the shader to. Wildcard matching e.g. "ro?ds*" can be used to apply to more than one texture at a time.

Optional Arguments

  • targetElement: The element to restrict applying the shader to. If this is not set the shader will be applied to everything using the texture name. Valid element types for targetElement are vehicles, objects, peds and buildings.
  • appendLayers: allows two or more layered shaders to be applied in the same texture. You may want to modify the DepthBias in the technique pass to avoid Z-fighting artifacts when using this.


Returns true if the shader was successfully applied, false otherwise.


This example will replace the texture of a group of common explosions (grenades, rockets, etc) with a custom explosion effect

theTechnique = dxCreateShader("shader.fx")
explosionTexture = dxCreateTexture( "tex/Explosion.png")

function replaceEffect()
	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechnique, "fireball6")
	dxSetShaderValue (theTechnique, "gTexture", explosionTexture)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, replaceEffect)

This example will apply a shader to the "des_logwall" world texture (which is used by the house near the 'play' gamemode spawn point)

theTechnique = dxCreateShader("shader.fx")
engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechnique, "des_logwall")

This example will apply a shader to the current vehicle of the local player

theTechnique = dxCreateShader( "shader.fx" )

function applyShader(thePlayer, seat)
local theVehicle = source

	if seat == 0 and thePlayer == localPlayer then
		engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechnique, "vehiclegrunge256", theVehicle)
		engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechnique, "?emap*", theVehicle)
addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root, applyShader)

function removeShader(thePlayer, seat)
local theVehicle = source

	if seat == 0 and thePlayer == localPlayer then
        	engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(theTechnique, "vehiclegrunge256", theVehicle)
        	engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(theTechnique, "?emap*", theVehicle)
addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", root, removeShader)

Basic texture replacement shader example (compatible with all script examples on this page):

texture gTexture;

technique TexReplace
    pass P0
        Texture[0] = gTexture;
  • Save the above code as [shadername].fx

See Also